China Economist takes it upon itself to inform the world of the latest academic progress in Chinese economics and business management, to publish original academic papers and research reports on the Chinese economy, and to disseminate the Chinese experiences in eco-nomic development and corporate governance as well as the results of em-pirical studies in these fields.
TrendsA New Trend in China's FDI Inflow and OutflowFrom a Trading Country ta Trading PowerFocusThe RMB Exchange Rate under the International Monetary SystemChina's Trade Expansion Benefits the Asia Pacific EconomiesChina's Economic Growth Faces a New International Environment DomesticWhat Is the New Style of Industrialization?Choosing a Growth Pattern that Suits the Present Development Stage Development of Heavy Industry Requires New StrategiesBusinessReform Calls for Change of Mentality of SOE Employees Improvement of Corporate Governance: a Key Issue for Economic EfficiencyChina DataLegacies and Lessons of the "I Oth Five-year Plan"Digest
China Economist takes it upon itself to inform the world of the latest academic progress in Chinese economics and business management, to publish original academic papers and research reports on the Chinese economy, and to disseminate the Chinese experiences in eco-nomic development and corporate governance as well as the results of em-pirical studies in these fields.