郑戈、 传神翻译 新星出版社 (2010-01出版)
《雕塑·感受中国(英文)》内容简介:The way Chinese view art is neither to"reproduce", which means how much thosepresented in art close to the objects, norto over analyze the form structure of theobjects, but to pay attention to the creativeidea. Having received strict training onrealism in academies of fine arts, Chinesesculptors still go after "likeness in spirit".
Chapter 1 Heroic Epic: Monument Sculpture of the i95os 8Chapter 2 Personification through Sculpture Exhibition Sculpture in the IQ96os 46Chapter 3 Political Pop: The Mao Zedong Statue in the 197os 76Chapter 4 Authentic Depiction: Portrait Sculpture in the 198os.96Chapter 5 Retrieving Nature of Objects: Conceptual Sculptures in the 1990os128Chapter 6 Interactive Space: Landscape Sculpturesat the Beginning of the 21st Century 156
版权页:插图:The basement of the monument covers an area of more than 3,000 squaremeters, in the height of 37.94 meters. It contains over i7,ooo pieces of gran-ite and white marble. The pedestal is composed of two layers, encircled bybalustrades of white marble, and there are steps on all the four sides. It wasconstructed into a double-layered sumeru throne with the lower layer biggerthan the upper one. Eight huge relief sculptures carved out of white marbleand two decorative ones were inlaid in the middle of the lower layer of thesumeru throne. The total length of these eight reliefs is 40.68 meters, and allof them belong to thematic creation, covering the representative historicalevents, which are the depictions of the struggle of the Chinese people fromthe Opium War in i84o to the Crossing the Yangtze River Campaign in i949.This is a national project, and as early as September, i949, during theFirst Plenary Session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Con-ference, it was clearly put forward that a monument should be built up onTian'anmen Square "in memory of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives inboth the New and Old Democratic Revolutionary Periods". Upon conclusionof the session, delegates went to the monument site and held the foundationlaying ceremon) On the ceremony; Premier Zhou Enlai again emphasizedthe significance of the theme of the monument: "In order to cherish thememory of the departed and encourage the living, a monument is especiallydecided to be put up in the capital of PRC, Beijing.