[美] 凯瑟琳·卡尔
美国女画家凯瑟琳·卡尔(1858——1938)20世纪初曾创了两项空前绝后的世界性纪录:她是惟一在中国官廷之内一连呆了很长时间的外国人,又是惟一替尚健在的中国后妃画过肖像的人。 她1903年来华,是当时中国海关税务司柯尔乐(Francis Augusta Carl)的姐姐,1903年经美国公使夫人苏珊·康格(Susan Conger)的推荐倒颐和园为西太后画像。原定画两次的,结果一发而不可收,一直画了9个月。这期间她大多数时间都在宫里。9个月的宫廷生活不仅使卡尔完成了四幅西太后的肖像,更重要的是为她两年之后出版的此书提供了丰富的素材。 卡尔的这部书与其他同类作品比较起来,有其鲜明的特色。一是对主要人物西太后、光绪皇帝和皇后,以及种种小事的记载之详,而且完全是亲眼目睹;二是作者由于职业的训练,观察非常细致,又善于捕捉人物的内心世界,所以她笔下的这几个主要人物都给人以形神毕肖的感觉;三是由于作者是应邀到宫里去作画的外国人,并非清朝臣民,所以无须过于拘束甚至战战兢兢,而正是这种轻松的氛围和宾主交流的平等导致了使此书内容得以生动的种种小事件、小冲突。 “柯姑娘”——当时宫廷内外对卡尔的一致称呼——一个美国人给西太后画像,这在当时听起来似乎是异想天开的一件事,所以得以实现,不能不归功于康格夫人。 康格夫人是位富有正义感的女权主义者,她的正义感使她对当时外国人在中国为所欲为的傲慢行为顺理成章地产生了强烈的反感,而西太后作为一位掌握全中国生杀大权的女性,其在社会上产生的作用之大显然是女权运动所歆羡的,由此也就成了她的崇拜对象。 庚子年义和团围攻北京外国公使馆,得到西太后的全力支持,甚至还派军队去助战,所以此后她在外国人的心目中形象大坏,西方有许多人都将她恨之入骨,而一些漫画更是将她的面目肆意歪曲。康格夫人为了改变这一局面,想出了为西太后画像、然后送往圣路易斯博览会展出的主意。关于这个,她在给女儿的信中是这么说的:“好几个月以来,我对报上那些有关皇太后陛下的可怕的、不公平的漫画一直很气愤,同时越来越希望能让全世界看到她较为真实的形象。我想到了请求皇太后陛下准许与她讨论关于为她画肖像的事。” 她起初向西太后推荐这一计划时,西太后也并不怎么领情,但后来在她的多方努力之下也就勉强同意了。所谓勉强,就是限定只准画两次,而对于一幅这么大尺寸的肖像画,两次当然远远不够。幸好亲自看画家画了一回之后,西太后来了兴趣,结果两次变成了9个月。这样不但画像的任务得以顺利完成,也使卡尔有了写成这本书的可能。 此书对西太后的评价并不客观,有过于吹捧之嫌,卡尔对西太后的个人崇拜显然是其中的一大原因。不过能对西太后作较全面的描述的文献不多,而且大多并非信史,真正能像卡尔这样,通过直接接触而来的,可说是凤毛麟角,所以就显得可贵了。再说无论如何,卡尔是外国人,吹捧也罢,个人崇拜也罢,都超不出小巫的范围。 翻译方面,本用不着说什么,但因作者所处的时代关系,书中有几个名词如今看来用得并不适宜,如“拳民”(Boxer)和“满州”(Manchuria)等。为尊重原文件,硬改译为“义和团”和“东三省”显然不妥,故一仍其旧,特向读者作一说明。 译者 2001年6月1日
On the 29th of July, 1903, Miss Carl, who was invited by Mrs. Conger, left Shanghai for Peking. She would have the first sitting with the Empress Dowager at the Summer Palace to paint the portrait of her. This portrait would exhibit in the Exposition at St. Louis, 1904, to display “a true likeness of” Empress Dowager (pp.xix). Finally, Miss Carl had been staying in Peking with Empress Dowager for around a year. After she finished her task in Peking, she wrote the book titled With the Empress Dowager which was published in the year of 1905. In this book, Miss Carl carefully described her experiences in Peking, which was unknown for the West.
There are, at least, two things in this book that interest me. On the one hand, Miss Carl in her book provided an image of Empress Dowager which was contrary to that of the West. In her eyes, Empress Dowager was a charming lady who not only had great knowledge of literacy, but also possessed the tenderness as a woman. Miss Carl talked about her loving of nature, of flowers, and of dogs. She especially emphasized the charming and attractive characteristics of Empress Dowager.
On the other hand, Miss Carl gave readers a sharp and accurate observation of the life in the Qing court. She depicted several festivals in Peiking, such as the Birthday of Empress Dowager, the Middle Autumn Festivals, the Chinese new year, and the ritual to Confucius. She also described different kinds of people in Qing court, such as the eunuch, the Qing official, the emperor, the court artists, and other princess and ladies in the court. Moreover, She carefully depicted some Chinese architectures and the scenes of Chinese garden or palace. She also talked about the culture of Manchus, such as the life of Manchuria female, their clothes, and their customs. In this sense, Miss Carl was not an artist but an anthropologist.
Some of these depictions are neural and objective, but some are different. Sometimes, when Miss Carl talked about Chinese culture in an amazing tone. For example, when she talked about how Chinese people played with their birds, she said, “The Chinese are so near to nature, so simple in every way, that their influence over animals and birds is extraordinary, and seems to us almost magical”(pp.138). This amazing tone shows her Orientalist perspective and stereotypes to Chinese people and culture. However, it is the Orientalism that interests me a lot. Miss Carl, on the one hand, has stereotypes to China, on the other, she loves Chinese culture from heart. She, on the one hand, seems know a lot about the life of Qing court and the customs of China, on the other, her knowledge is general and limited because of her experiences.
These paradoxes are the most interest part of this book. Moreover, I love her language as well. From her writing, I think Miss Carl must be a cute lady both in appearance and personality. This photo of her in Manchuria clothes provides a good example.