阿巴斯(Abbas A.K.)
通过前4版的出版,《细胞和分子免疫学》获得了广泛的赞誉,其简明、客观及明晰和图解方式得到了全世界读者的欣赏。 这本销量极好的图书分别从分子、细胞和整体层面上讲解构成免疫学学科基础的实验观察 结果及结论;强调临床相关的内容,突出了免疫学在疾病治疗方而后重要意义;这是一本实用的、引人入胜的,反映动态的免疫学参考书。 在这个第5版中,你会现…… 365余幅四色插图突出显示重要的方法和概念。 对基本理论的最新进展和最新研究成果进行的讲解。 对淋巴器官和自然免疫机制的最新理解。 对抗原表达细胞和T细胞激活等复杂题目的更好的、更易懂的讲解。 其他许多重要的修订! 著者经过仔细斟酌,在不增加篇幅的情况下将这些新的丰富的内容融入新版之中。所以,第5版仍危在旦夕读者喜受的那种小型的、物有所值的图书。
SECTION ⅠIntroduction to Immunology CHAPTER 1General Properties of Immune ResponesesCHAPTER 2Cells and Tissues of the Immune SystemSDECTION ⅡRecognition of AntigensCHAPTER 3Antibodies and AntigensCHAPTER 4The Major Histocompatibility ComplexCHAPTER 5Antigen Processing and Presentation to T LymphocytesCHAPTER 6Antigen Receptors and Accessory Molecules of T LymphocytesSECTION ⅢMaturation,Activation,and Regulation of LymphocytesCHAPTER 7Lymphocyte Maturation and Expression of Antigen Receptor GenesCHAPTER 8Activation of T LymphocytesCHAPTER 9B Cell Actvation and Antibody Production CHAPTER 10SECTION ⅣCHAPTER 11CHAPTER 12CHAPTER 13CHAPTER 14CHAPTER 15SECTION ⅤCHAPTER 16CHAPTER 17CHAPTER 18CHAPTER 19CHAPTER 20Appendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAppendix ⅢIndex
The 5th Edition of this comprehensive title continues the tradition of delivering an accessible, engaging, and current introduction to this essential subject. The authors describe the principles of basic and applied immunology in a concise, straightforward manner, while incorporating the most up-to-date information. Over 400 illustrations help readers quickly and easily grasp key concepts. The entire text has been revised and includes new information about the organization of lymphoid organs and the mechanisms of innate immunity.