本册为第一册,共分16个单元。其内容涉及法学各方面的基础知识,如法的定义、分类、渊源,法律与社会、道德、财产以及商务活动之间的关系,立法、司法和执法的基本概念,法庭的构成以及不同审判制度之间的异同,等等。每单元含三篇法律英语课文,第一篇课文为整个单元的学习重点,第二篇课文是对第一篇的深化与补充,第三篇课文由相关案例构成,以促进学习者对本单元法律知识的领会、巩固和应用,并提高法律英语的阅读能力。 每一篇课文前面首先列出了本课的生词和难词,特别是与法律相关的词语,然后是涉及背景知识的问答题,帮助学习者了解和预习本课的内容;课文的正文部分每个自然段都标注了序号,以方便学习者快速查找和阅读;正文后附有课文的长度说明,可以方便学习者掌握自己的阅读速度。每一篇课文后附有理解课文所需的法律、社会、文化等背景知识的注释以及课文中所涉及的部分语言要点,之后是为加强课文理解、巩固所学知识而编写的紧扣课文的练习题,包括阅读理解题、词汇和重要的短语和搭配。下一部分是综合练习,分词汇、语法、完型填卒、英汉互译、课堂讨论和写作等。许多练习实际上是针对英语中的“法言法语”的练习,使学英语和学法律融为一体。练习题有多种类型,既有主观题,也有客观题。有些题目结合课文编写,另外一些则不局限于课文。语法部分和写作部分按照循序渐进的原则编写,具有较强的指导性。第二篇和第三篇课文均为泛读课文,其中的难词、生词已经通过注释提供了基本意义或汉语译文。每篇文章之后都设有针对该篇文章的问答题,以检查学习者的理解。本教程最后还给学习者提供了词汇表,以方便查阅和复习。 本套教材未包括英语听力的训练,也较少涉及英语口语训练,这是由于法律英语听说能力的训练要求较高,需要大量的材料,限于本教程的容量,将放在《法律英语听说教程》中集中训练。
Unit 1 Introduction to Law Text Ⅰ What Is Law? Comprehension Exercises Text Ⅱ Functions of Law Text Ⅲ How to Read Case ReportsUnit 2 Sources of Law Text Ⅰ Sources of English Law Comprehension Exercises Text Ⅱ Types of Law Text Ⅲ Case ReadingUnit 3 Legal Systems Text Ⅰ Introduction to Legal Systems Comprehension Exercises Text Ⅱ Introduction to the Legal System of Canada Text Ⅲ Case ReadingUnit 4 Morality and Equality in Law Text Ⅰ Law and Morality Comprehension Exercises Text Ⅱ Equal Employment Opportunity Text Ⅲ Case ReadingUnit 5 Law and Society Text Ⅰ Evolution of Legal Systems Comprehension Exercises Text Ⅱ Principles of the Rule of Law Text Ⅲ Case ReadingUnit 6 Legislation Text Ⅰ Legislation in the United Kingdom Comprehension Exercises Text Ⅱ The Enactment of Laws in the United States Text Ⅲ Case ReadingUnit 7 Justice Text Ⅰ Judicial Independence Comprehension Exercises Text Ⅱ The English Court Structure Text Ⅲ Case ReadingUnit 8 The Judicial System in the United States Text Ⅰ Separation of Powers Comprehension Exercises Text Ⅱ The US Judicial System Text Ⅲ Case ReadingUnit 9 The Legal Profession Text Ⅰ The Legal Profession in England Comprehension Exercises Text Ⅱ The Bar in the United States Text Ⅲ Case ReadingUnit 10 The Judge and the Jury Text Ⅰ English Judges Comprehension Exercises Text Ⅱ Jury Text Ⅲ Case ReadingUnit 11 Criminal Law Text Ⅰ Crime and Punishment Comprehension Exercises Text Ⅱ Criminal Proceedings Text Ⅲ Case ReadingUnit 12 The Adversary System and the Inquisitorial System Text Ⅰ The Adversary System Comprehension Exercises Text Ⅱ The Adversary System and the Inquisitorial System Text Ⅲ Case ReadingUnit 13 Legal Environment of BusinessUnit 14 The Law of Tort and Intellectual PropertyUnit 15 The Contract and PropertyUnit 16 Legal ReformReferencesGlossary
i love it
纸张质量和字体都很好 应该是正版
上课需要买的书 还没仔细看 应该还行吧