(美)哈里森,(美)圣约翰 著
THE STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PROCESS What Is Strategic Management? External and Internal Environmental Analysis Strategic Direction Business and Corporate Strategy Formulation Strategy Implementation and Control Strategic RestructuringAlternative Perspectives on Strategy Development Determinism Versus Enactment Deliberate Versus Emergent Strategy Formulation Stakeholder Analysis and Management The Resource-Based View of the FirmEthics and Social ResponsibilityThe Case for Going GlobalKey Points SummaryReferencesTHE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT The Brcio-cultural Forces Economic Forces Technological Forces Political/Legal ForcesThe Task Environment Competitive Forces External Stakeholders and Environmental Uncertainty Partnering with External StakeholdersStrategic GroupsKey Points Summary ReferencesTHE INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT AND STRATEGIC DIRECTION The Internal Environment The Chief Executive Officer Boards of Directors and Agency Costs Employees and Culturd Internal Resources and Competitive Advantage Assessing Internal Strengths and WeaknessesEstablishment of Strategic Direction Organizational Mission Business Definition Organizational Vision Purpose and Ethics ……BUSINESS STRATEGY CORPORATE STRATEGYSTRATEGY IMPLEMENTATIONSTRATEGIC CONTROL AND RESTRUCTURINGSTRATEGIES IN AN INTERNATIONAL CONTEXTAPPENDIX 1 PRERING A STRATEGIC ANALYSIS