历年六级考试结果证明:要想考高分,必须做真题! 该书是在广泛征求多所高校六级强化班考生建议的基础上,通过我们在强化班教学的亲身体验而进行编写的。目前图书市场上大量的六级试题集,很多书存在着答案错误、解析简单或冗长(如“该句的译文是”,“该题的答案是”等词语反复出现,浪费大量空间)等缺点。遇到疑难问题,查字典、问老师,不仅要花费很多时间与精力,还很难掌握考试规律。该书正弥补了这方面的不足,增加了最具特色的解释部分。 1 题目:收录了1999年6月到2005年1月的历年实考试题(附录部分另赠2003年9月20日大学英语六级试题及答案)。按六级考试实考的形式,汇编成12个Test。考生自测时每个Test须在120分钟内完成。 2 解释部分为该书最显著的特点。Ⅰ、听力:听力给出书面材料,答题依据用黑体字标出。Ⅱ、词汇:(1)为便于考生理解原句,提高翻译水平及实际运用语言的能力,每句均给出中文句章。(2)选择项:对同义词、近义词、反义词、多义词以及固定搭配做了详细的辨析解释。出现频率较高的,轻易混淆的,做了总结,并给出了部分例句。Ⅲ、阅读理解、完成填空、改错题、简答题:(1)为便于考生理解原文,提高翻译水平以及实际运用语言能力,每篇均给出中文大意,主题或主题句均用黑体字注出。(2)选择项均给出答题依据。Ⅳ、作文:给出作文写作套路,考生可谓熟此套路,轻松面对六级、考研作文。Ⅴ、附录:六级作文题评分原则及标准与考场指令。 因此该书省去了考生查字典、问老师等不必要的麻烦。 该书主要适用于考生对六级听力、词汇、阅读理解、改错、完形填空、简答题、答文以及做题技巧的突破,也适用于研究生入学、IELTS、PETS与TEFL考试以及具有中高级英语水平的学生自学考试使用,同时也可作为强化班教师教学参考使用。相信您只要有效地利用此书,就可在短短的时间里突破六级听力、词汇、阅读理解、改错、完形填空、简答题、作文关,掌握做题技巧,提高实际运用英语的能力。
入门分析篇 1999年6月大学英语六级试题 试题精讲 2000年1月大学英语六级试题 试题精讲 2000年6月大学英语六级试题 试题精讲 2001年1月大学英语六级试题 试题精讲技能实战篇 2001年6月大学英语六级试题 试题精讲 2002年1月大学英语六级试题 试题精讲 2002年6月大学英语六级试题 试题精讲 2003年1月大学英语六级试题 试题精讲考前冲刺篇 2003年6月大学英语六级试题 试题精讲 2004年1月大学英语六级试题 试题精讲 2004年6月大学英语六级试题 试题精讲 2005年1月大学英语六级试题 试题精讲附录: 1 2003年9月大学英语六级试题 2 全国大学英语六级考试(CET-6)作文题评分原则及标准 3 全国大学英语六级考试(CET-6)监考人员考场指令
In regard to a concept for a space hotel initially planned by Space Island, such a hotel couldoffer guests every convenience they might find at hotel on Earth, and some they might not. Thesmall gravitational pull created by the rotating space city would allow space-tourists and residentsto walk around and function normally within the structure. Everything from running water torecycling plant to medical facilities would be possible. Additionally, space tourists would even beable to take space walks. Many of these companies believe that they have to offer an extremely enjoyable experience inorder for passengers to pay thousands, if not millions, of dollars to ride into space. So will spacecreate another separation between the haves and have-nots? The most Expensive Vacation Will space be an exotic retreat reserved for only the wealthy? Or will middle-class folks havea chance to take their families to space? Make no mistake about it, gong to space will be the mostexpensive vacation you ever take.Prices right now are in the tens of millions of dollars.Currently, the only vehicles that can take you into space are the space shuttle and the RussianSoyuz, both of which are terribly inefficient. Each spacecraft requires millions of pounds of fuel totake off into space, which makes them expensive to launch. One pound of payload(~!~g.)costs about $10,000 to put into Earths orbit. NASA and Lockheed Martin are currently developing a single-stage-to orbit launch spaceplane, called the Venture Star that could be launched for about a tenth of what the space shuttlecosts to launch. If the Venture Star takes off, the number of people who could afford to take a tripinto space would move into the millions. In 1998, a joint report form NASA and the Space Transportation Association stated thatimprovements in technology could push fares for space travel as low as $ 50,000, and possiblydown to $20,000 or $10,000 a decade later. The report concluded that at a ticket price of $ 50,000, there could be 500,000 passengers flying into space each year. While still leaving outmany people, these prices would open up space to a tremendous amount of traffic. Since the beginning of the space race, the general public has said, "Isnt that great——whendo I get to go?" Well, our chance might be closer than ever. Within the next 20 years, spaceplanes could be taking off for the Moon at the same frequency as airplanes flying between NewYork and Los Angeles.
《大学英语六级全真题精讲(修订版)》 新题型 新标准,710分 省去了您查字典,问老师等的不必要麻烦 详尽的答题依据解释+作文套路=高分捷径 一个月轻松突破六级难关 涵盖2007年—2010年全真试题