钱雪昌 编
社会在发展,人类在进步,中国在融人世界,生活趋于多元化,新生事物不断涌现。网络时代竟然来得如此迅猛,给人们带来了大量的新话题,产生了诸多社会新现象,诸如网吧聊天、网上恋爱、网上交易、QQ对话、网络法庭等,无一不带有时代特征。近来,人们对生活品质和花样的追求也越来越高、越来越多,美容、减肥、旅游、保健、转基因食品等问题,也已逐步成为当下备受人们关注的话题。在这地球村、多元化的新世纪,人们对这些问题的态度也存在着极大的分歧,真可谓是“仁者见仁,智者见智”。 作为英语教师又该如何面对这些新话题呢?是坚持我行我素,奉行老一套呢?还是紧跟形势,不断更新内容和方法,将社会新话题巧妙地带人英语课堂?有识之士显然倾向于后者。密切关注时代发展、不断丰富教学内容、探讨切身现实问题,这无疑将有助于调动学生学习的积极性,培养他们的学习兴趣,增进课堂的活跃气氛,在语言教学的同时,又可实施素质教育,正确引导青年学子认识这些社会问题。 我们知道,传统的英语教材过于强调培养学生的书面语表达能力,难免要产生“哑巴英语”现象,学了多年英语之后依旧不敢开口、难以开口或开不好口;而且教材中还有很多话题与时代严重脱节,从而导致学生提不起情绪、打不起精神。面对这样一种现状,很多英语教育工作者颇有感慨,早有想法,认识到英语教学改革的必要性和重要性。钱雪昌副教授在这样的形势下,通过数年的积累和尝试,编写出版了这本具有时代特征的《新编高级英语口语教程——漫谈社会热点话题》,为解决英语教学中两大关键难题“羞于开口”和“话题老套”进行了有益的尝试,作出了积极的贡献,可喜可贺!
《新编高级英语口语教程:漫谈社会热点话题》分两大部分,共32单元。其中前16单元为话题讨论,内容包括“网恋”、“代沟”、“克隆”、“艾滋病”、“肥胖症”等;后16单元为话题争论,内容包括“广告对社会有益吗?”、“死刑该废除吗?”、“我们是否应该关闭网吧?”等。每单元分Learning和Applying两部分。Learning部分包括Warm-up,Key Sentences,Fore,Readings,Useful Expressions。前16单元中Applying部分包括Group Discussion,Possible Responses,Preparing a Speech与(writing)Sample?后16单元的Applying部分包括Pre-dis-cussion.Debate,Arguments and Counter-arguments,Preparing a Speech与Sample。Key Sentences部分精选了与话题相关的20个左右的句子供学生朗读、背诵,为讨论或辩论提供参考。4篇阅读文章都控制在250个单词左右。 《新编高级英语口语教程:漫谈社会热点话题》突出句子的交际功能,紧密结合当今社会人们关注的热点话题,重在拓宽语言思维,强调学习与应用结合。 教材适用对象:高校英语专业一、二年级学生、非英语专业高年级学生、成人英语教育学员以及旨在提高英语口语交际能力的英语爱好者。
Topics for DiscussionUnit 1 Part-time JobsLearningApplyingUnit 2 Studying AbroadLearningApplyingUnit 3 Online ChattingLearningApplyingUnit 4 Obesity EpidemicLearningApplyingUnit 5 SmokingLearningApplyingUnit 6 AIDSLearningApplyingUnit 7 Traffic AccidentsLearningApplyingUnit 8 PollutionLearningApplyingUnit 9 The Generation GapLearningApplyingUnit 10 The Generation GapLearningApplyingUnit 11 Cyber LoveLearningApplyingUnit 12 CloningLearningApplyingUnit 13 Giving an Effective Public SpeechLearningApplyingUnit 14 How to Be a Successful Interviewee?LearningApplyingUnit 15 RomanceLearningApplyingUnit 16 Should Homsexuals Be Allowed to Get Married?LearningApplyingTopics for ArgumentationLearningApplyingUnit 1 Does Advertising Do Our Society Good?LearningApplyingUnit 2 Where to Live, in the Countryside or in the City?LearningApplyingUnit 3 Co-education or Single-sex Education?LearningApplyingUnit 4 Does Television Have a Good or Bad Effect on Children?LearningApplyingUnit 5 Should We continue to Eat McDnalds?LearningApplyingUnit 6 Is Sex before Marriage Right or Wrong?LearningApplyingUnit 7 Should the Girl Be Employed?LearningApplyingUnit 8 IS It Good to Keep a Pet?LearningApplyingUnit 9 Should Private Cars Be Encouraged?LearningApplyingUnit 10 Do DINK Families Have Positive Effects on Our Society?LearningApplyingUnit 11 Does Divorce Represent Social Progress?LearningApplyingUnit 12 Should Euthanasis Be Legalized?LearningApplyingUnit 13 Should Capital Punishment Be Abolished?LearningApplyingUnit 14 Should We Shut Internet Cafes Down?LearningApplyingUnit 15 Should the Net Serve as a Public Court?LearningApplyingUnit 16 Should We Develop GM foods?LearningApplying
When employers are asked whether they are willing to recruit students as temporary workers, 54.3% say that they are willing to pro-vide students with training; 21.2% say that a students ability and enthu-siasm are vital to getting the job. 87.5% hold that those with part-time experience tend to adapt themselves to society more quickly and easily than those without related experience. 1. Work-study Department勤工助学部 Some Tips on Hunting for Part-time Jobs With the rapid development of our society, the campus is no longerviewed as an "Ivory Tower". Part-time jobs are becoming very attrac-tive. You can learn a lot from your part-time jobs, but take care-never let your job become more important than your studies! Here are some keypoints you should consider when hunting for a part-time job. Firstly, you must have a definite objective. Whether your aim is togain experience Or just earn money, know your purpose. Some student tsnever pass up a job opportunity——they take a job without hesitation as long as its available. However, in the end their studies suffer and theyhave nothing to show for it. Think twice before you commit to anything. Secondly, be cautious. Always be suspicious of "highly-paid part-time positions", for they are probably just a lure. After all the hidden charges have been deducted, the paycheck all but disappears. There-fore, at the very beginning there must be a clear contract between the two parties, clarifying all privileges and obligations2 for dissensions that might occur in the future, Furthermore, dont look for jobs through anonstandard agency or website, and be sure to keep your private in forma-tion well protected3. Thirdly, take care of your health. If the job is likely to knock youout4,give it up.
16个讨论话题,涵盖人们日常关注问题 16个辩论话题,围绕当今社会关心热点 拓宽思维模式,训练反应能力,提高应用水平