

宋岳礼,王晓燕 著 西北农林科技大学出版社





宋岳礼,王晓燕 著  




  《20世纪英美小说流变与选读》对二十世纪英美小说进行了全面梳理和系统介绍。《20世纪英美小说流变与选读》分为上下两编,上编为二十世纪英国小说,下编为二十世纪美国小说。上下两编均包括三个部分:背景知识介绍、小说发展趋势、作品选读。选读部分包括作家生平与创作简介、选读作品简介、选文、作品分析评论。   《20世纪英美小说流变与选读》可供高校英语专业英美文学史和文学作品选读的教学用书或参考书,也可供广大英语自学者和英美文学爱好者作为参考读物。


上编 英国部分Section A English Fiction During the First Half of the Twentieth CenturyChapter 1 Social Background1.1 Early twentieth century: partition of Ireland1.2 The period between the two world wars : Great DepressionChapter 2 Trends of Fiction2.1 The fiction trends between 1900 - 19302.2 The fiction trends between 1930 - 1950Chapter 3 Major Authors and Selected Readings3.1 Joseph Conrad3.2 Henry James3.3 Virginia Woolf3.4 D. H. Lawrence3.5 James Joyce3.6 E.M. Forster3.7 H.G. Wells3.8 Arnold Bennett3.9 Wyndham Lewis3.10 Evelyn Waugh3.11 Christopher Isherwood3.12 Graham GreeneSection B English Fiction During the Second Half of the Twentieth CenturyChapter 1 Social Background1.1 From the end of World War II to the 1960s: rebuilding1.2 From 1960s to 1980s: some troubles1.3 Late twentieth century: growth of modem BritainChapter 2 Trends of Fiction: 1950 to the End of the Twentieth Century2.1 The awareness of fictionality2.2 Morality and art2.3 Feminist writing2.4 Realism, satire, social comedy2.5 Commonwealth writersChapter 3 Major Authors and Selected Readings3.1 Samuiel Beekett3.2 John Fowles3.3 William Golding3.4 Iris Murdoch3.5 Doris Lessing3.6 Angela Carter3.7 John Wain3.8 Kingsley Amis3.9 Chinua Achebe3.10 Patrick WhiteReferences下编 美国部分Section A American Fiction Before World War IIChapter 1 Background Knowledge1.1 The social background1.2 The cultural backgroundChapter 2 Trends of Fiction2.1 Trends of fiction2.2 Two "renaissance"Chapter 3 Major Authors and Selected Readings3.1 Sherwood Anderson3.2 Willa Cather3.3 Jack London3.4 Theodore Dreiser3.5 F. Scott Fitzgerald3.6 Ernest Hemingway3.7 William Fauikner3.8 John SteinbeckSection B American Fiction After World War IIChapter 1 Social Background1.1 The Cold War1.2 Civil Rights Movement1.3 Women's Lib1.4 Counterculture1.5 Generation X1.6 The state of religious thought1.7 Developing of science and technologyChapter 2 Trends of Fiction2.1 Fiction by different writing groups2.1.1 Southern fiction2.1.2 Women fiction2.1.3 The Beat fiction2.1.4 Jewish fiction2.1.5 African American fiction2.1.6 Hispanic American fiction2.1.7 Native American fiction2.1.8 Asian American fiction2.2 Trends of fiction2.2.1 Fiction of manners——neo - realism2.2.2 Postmodern fiction2.2.3 Nonfiction Novel2.2.4 War novel2.2.5 Science fiction2.2.6 Crime fictionChapter 3 Major Authors and Selected Readings3.1 J.D. Salinger3.2 San] Bellow3.3 Ralph Ellison3.4 Norman Mailer3.5 Jack Kerouac3.6 Joseph Heller3.7 Flannery O' Comaor3.8 Joyee Carol Oates3.9 Toni Morrison3.10 Amy Tan3.11 Rudolfo Anaya3.12 N. Seott MomadayReferences




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