柴岩,冯佰利 著
Section A Distribution and ProductionArea and Production of Proso Millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) in RussiaV.I.Zotikov,V.S.Sidorenko,S.V.Bobkov,et al.Production of Proso Millet in ChinaChai Yan,Gao Xiaoli,Li CuiThe Origin and Evolution of Broomcom Millet in ChinaSu Wang,Xu Bingqin,Gao Jinfeng,et al.Research and Production of Proso Millet in Shaanxi ProvinceFeng Baili,Gao Jinfeng,Song Hui,et al.Production,Processing and Utilization of Broomcorn Millet in GaruYang TianyuProduction and Application of Proso Millet in NingxiaCheng BingwenProduction and Research of Proso Millet in Inner MongoliaChert QiangIndustry Research of Proso Millet in LiaoningGe Weide,Zhao YangStatus and Recovery Development of Proso Millet Production in Yan'anFeng Wei,Wang Jinming,Yang Xia,et al.Section B Genetic Resources and BreedingFormation of National Collection and Millet Breeding in UkraineL.N.Kobyzeva,S.N.Gorbacheva,L.V.Grigorashchenko,et al.Genetic Resources of Common Millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) at the Vavilov Research Irtituteof Plant Industry(VIR)Aleftina Kurzeva,Olga Romanova,Anton KrylovTemperature Stress in Anther Culture of Proso Millet (Panicum miliaceum L.)S.V.Bobkov,G.N.SuvorovaCharacteristics of Genetic Resources and Culture Practices of Broomcorn millet (Panicummiliaceum L.)in Gangwon Province,KoreaCheol-Ho Park,Hak-SooByeonVariety Improvement of Broomcom Millet in ChinaChai Yan,Wang PengkeUtilization of Proso Millet Germplasm Resource in ChinaWang Lun,Wang Xingyu,Wen Qifen,et al..Genetic Diverity among Chinese Landraces and Cultivar of Broomcorn Millet (Panicummiliaceum) Revealed by the Polymerase Chain ReactionY.G.Hu,J.Zhu,F.Liu,et al..Factor Affecting Callus Induction on Anther Culture of Proso Millet (Panicum miliaceum L.)Wu Limin,Yang Tianyu,Dong Guojun,et al.Isolation and Analysis of Genes Induced by Rehydration after Serious Drought in BroomcomMillet (Panicum miliaceum L.) by Using SSHLin Fanyun,Hu Yingang,Song Guoqi,et al.Cortruction of Core Germplasm of Local Proso Millet Resources in GaruDong Kongjun,Yang Tianyu,He Jihong,et al.Effects of Different Chemical Hybridizing Drugs on Male Sterility of Proso MilletQu Yang,Zhang Xiaodong,Chen Jia,et al.Application of Gray Correlativity Analysis on Broomcorn Millet Varieties and CompreheriveEvaluationCui Wenwen,Yang Qiuge,Ma Shurong,et al.Genetic Diverity Analysis on Morphological Traits of Broomcorn Millet ResourcesLi Qinqin,Liu Rui,Wang Pengke,et al.Build Millet Core Collection Based on Geographical Origin and Phenotypic DataZhang Zhifen,Fu Xiaofeng,Gao Jinfeng,et al.Section C Physiology and CultivationAdvance in Water-saving Culture of Proso Millet(Panicum miliaceum L.)Cheng Bingwen,Xie ZhimingResearch Progress in Drought Resistance of Broomcorn MilletMa Ruirui,Gao XiaoliEffects of Different Water Harvesting on Soil Water,Growth and Yield of Proso Millet inSemiarid Regior of Northwest ChinaQu Yang,Su Wang,Zhang Panpan,et al.Physiological and Biochemical Indexes of Drought Resistance of Broomcorn Millet at SeedlingStageZhang Panpan,Song Hui,Ma Shurong,et al.Identification and Utilization of Drought-resistance Indexes in Broomcorn Millet duringGerminationZhang Panpan,Song Hui,Cui Wenwen,et al.Study on Resistance of Several Broomcorn Millet Cultivar to 3 Wheat Important DiseasesWang Yang,Wang Yanlei,Feng BailiDamaging Mechanism of Head Smut on Broomcorn Millet and Control MeasuresZhou Yu,Zhu Mingqi,Wang Yang,et al.Introduction and Cultivation of Two Varieties of Proso Millet:Ningmi-10 and Ningming-11 inBaicheng District of Jilin ProvinceXie Zhiming,Cheng Bingwen,Zhou YuxiSection D Quality and Post-harvest ProcessingInfluence of Genetic Factor on the Protein Content in Grain of Proso MilletV.S.Sidorenko,S.A.KonovFood-scientific Characterization of Broomcom Millet ProductsKiyokazu IKEDA,Yuya ASAMI,Naoko MOCHIDA,et al.Preparation of Broomcorn Millet Pasta and Nutrition Educational Aspects on Its UtilizationSayoko IKEDA,Ryoko NAGAI,Rufa LIN,et al..Antioxidant Activity of Phenolic and Flavonoid Components in Extracts of BroomcomMillet(Panicum miliaceum L.)Cheol-Ho Park,Min-Kyoung KangIndustrial Situation and Development Strategies of Proso Millet in ChinaQu Yang,Gao Xiaoli,Feng BailiAdvances in Quality and Exploitation of Proso MilletChao Guimei,Li Cui,Gao Jinfeng,et al.Analysis of Protein Component of Proso Millet GrainZhang Zhifen,Gao Xiaoli,Feng Baili,et al..Production Technology of Broom Corn Millet BeverageFeng Naihong,Nui Xiwu,Wei Tianye,et al.Process of the Solid Irtant Mixed PorridgeFeng Naihong,Wei Tianye,Zheng Hongyuan,et al..Properties and Exploitatior of Starch of Proso MilletChao Guimei,Li Cui,Wang Pengke,et al.Effect of Additive on Properties of Proso Millet Starch PasteWang Ying,Chao Guimei,Wang Pengke,et al.