《新世纪基础英语》是针对成人编写的零起点教材,共四级,每级含学生用书、教师用书、录音磁带和多媒体自学光盘,是一套为满足新时期继续教育需要而编写的立体化英语教材。 ★ 注重打好基本功:从字母、语音开始,各项内容一次呈现,循环操练,帮助学习者打下扎实的基础 ★ 内容层次循序渐进:根据成人学习英语的特点设计难度梯级,每一级分别提供不同的内容输入,配以专项练习,帮助学习者逐级提高英语水平 ★ 编排结构严谨周密:每单元包括课文、对话、语法、写作、补充阅读等板块,充分考虑知识的系统性和对学习者能力的全面培养,为学习者短时间内掌握英语助一臂之力 ★ 现代化、立体化教学手段的运用:教材配有磁带和多媒体光盘,可以满足各种学习需要,激发学习兴趣,提升学习效果。
Unit 1 LoveTest A On the shoulders of a heroDialogue The GodfatherTest B Return to paradiseGuided writing Introduction to narrative writingGrammar Subjunctive mood 1Unit 2 NatureText A The pond in winterDialogue Vacation plansText B An experiment in livingGuided writing Introduction to descriptive writingGrammar Subjunctive mood 2Unit 3 Public speechesTest A Two truths to live by-hold fast,and let goDialogue Let yourself goText B Princess Dianas eulogyGuided writing Introduction to argumentative writingGrammar Subject-verb concord 1Unit 4 SportsTest A Athletes should be role modelsDialogue Little leagueTest B An interview with Michael JordanGuided writing Introduction to expository writingGrammar Subject verb concord 2Unit SuccessTest A The winners guide to successDialogue A national figure-Winston ChurchillTest B How to spell successGuided writing NoticesGrammar As-clausesUnit 6 Legend and mythologyUnit 7 Genetic engineeringUnit 8 Information technologyUnit 9 Law and lifeUnit 10 The aims of educationUnit 11 The outer spaceUnit 12 Ethic AmericansAppendix Glossary