

李磊主编 上海外语教育









  随着我国加入世贸组织,经济全球化的进程日益加快,国际间的文化、学术交流日益频繁,中医药作为世界医学宝库的一个重要组成部分,得到了世界各国的广泛认可和推崇。世界卫生组织早就意识到中国传统医学在防病治病中所发挥的重要作用,并不遗余力地将其推广。近年来,包括美国在内的以现代医学为主流的发达国家,也逐步认识到中国传统医学在世界医疗保健事业中的作用,针灸已为许多国家所接受,并纳入医疗保险的范畴。  为使中医学能够更快地为西方社会所了解和认识,让中医学在国际卫生保健事业中发挥更大的作用,打通语言壁垒已成当务之急。改革开放以来,国内出版界出版了不少中医英语教材,为大学中医英语教学做出了一定贡献。为了加快中医药走向世界的进程,培养更多既懂中医又懂中医英语的人才,中华中医药学会翻译分会组织了国内十余所中医药院校的中医英语专家、教授,花了三年多时间编写出了这部《新世纪中医英语教程》,供中医院校大学三年级学生或研究生使用。  本书具备以下特点:  1.内容力图覆盖主要的中医理论和临床实践,包括阴阳五行、脏腑、气血津液、病因、病机、辨证施治、治则治法、诊断、中药、方剂、针灸、推拿、太极拳和安全用药等。  2.为保证语言质量,本教程的全部素材选自英美学者的原文,文体力求多样化,包括论文、采访、演讲、新闻、公文、记叙文等。  3.由于中医英语作为一门学科形成的历史较短,尚且存在许多不确定因素,本书力图反映这一事实,有意识地保留了一些同一内容的多种翻译,以便学生在学习时能够辨别其译文的优劣。所以在使用本书时,要用有所鉴别的眼光看待译文,将课堂教学与课外资料的运用结合起来,以调动学生学习的主观能动性。  4.本书分上下两册,各自自成系统,教师可以根据自己的教学时间以及实际情况合理灵活地安排教学。每个单元配有课文、补充阅读、听力材料各一篇以及各种练习。听力还配有录音磁带。  5.本册所列词汇基本基于《大学英语教学大纲词汇表》(2000年)四级词汇之上,总词汇表中所标的(1A)表示本词汇出自第一单元的课文;(2B)表示出自第二单元的补充读物;而(3C)则表示出自第三单元的听力材料。  6.本书配有《教师用书》,供教学参考使用。  特别需要说明的是,本书仅是一本中医英语语言教材,不是中医教材,切不可把文中涉及的中医理论、临床实践作为诊断和治疗疾病的根据。编写中难免有不当或错误之处,敬请读者批评指正。




UNIT ONE An Overview of Chinese MedicineText: What Is Chinese Medicine?Supplementary Reading: The Difference Between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western MedicineSpot DictationUNIT TWO Yin and YangText: Yin and YangSupplementary Reading: The Theory of Yin-YangSpot DictationUNIT THREE Jing (Essence), Blood and Body FluidsText: Blood and Body FluidsSupplementary Reading: Jing (Essence)Spot DictationUNIT FOUR The Zangfu-OrgansText: The OrgansSupplementary Reading: Liver and GallbladderSpot DictationUNIT FIVE Etiology of Traditional Chinese MedicineText: The Six Pernicious Influences and Seven EmotionsSupplementary Reading: EtiologySpot DictationUNIT SIx The Five ElementsText: The Theory of the Five ElementsSupplementary Reading: Application of the Five-Element Theory in Traditional Chinese MedicineSpot DictationUNIT SEVEN Differentiation of Patterns and TreatmentText: The Eight Principal Patterns of Disharmony for Conceiving of Diagnosis and TreatmentSupplementary Reading: Patterns of Interior and Exterior DisharmonySpot DictationUNIT EIGHT Causes of DisharmonyText: Causes of DisharmonySupplementary Reading: Miscellaneous CausesSpot DictationUNIT NINE Acupuncture(I)Text: Acupuncture —— A Brief IntroductionSupplementary Reading: Acupuncture TreatmentSpot DictationUNIT TEN Principles of TreatmentText: Principles of TreatmentSupplementary Reading: Law of Interpromotion and Interaction Among the Five ElementsSpot Dictation附录1 总词汇表附录2 中医词汇索引


  Despite the therapeutic benefits, however, it is likely that patients will, at some point in the process, ask themselves the question "How does this work?"  It is only common sense to wonder why the insertion of fine needles into a variety of points in the body —— often bearing no obvious relationship to the actual problem —— can have such a dramatic effect. Any patient wrestling with the problem of trying to con- sume a herbal mixture must, at times, question what is going on.  Many hundreds of practitioners who experience for themselves the benefits of Chi- nese "soft exercises" —— Taiji, qigong, and so on ~ find themselves wondering how these therapies differ from Western-oriented aerobic exercise. Yet, in all cases, the proof is there in terms of symptomatic relief and improved health and well-being. Often a more balanced view of life in general is a result of practicing these therapies.  To understand any system of healing, it is necessary to understand the cultural con- text within which it developed. Culture articulates the philosophy and the world-view that together define the way the system operates. The healer, the patient, and the tech- niques used in medicine are intimately tied up with the view that the culture takes of life. The Western scientific world-view is based on a reductionist ideology —— that is, it seeks to understand a system by breaking it down into its constituent parts. This has meant that the science and practice of medicine are essentially reduetionist too. Analytical spe- cificity is emphasized, and holism —— the view that approaches the person as a "whole" being, comprising body, mind and spirit —— is underplayed. This analytical emphasis has brought many marvelous insights to the treatment of disease, but it still lacks the over- view that ties all aspects of the human condition together. Chinese medicine has the po- tential to help redress this balance. The world-view that underpins the principle and practices of Chinese medicine is based on the Daoist understanding of a universe where everything is interdependent and mutually interactive. Nothing is excluded, nothing is analyzed or interpreted without reference to the whole. When it comes to medical theory and practice, this view requires a set of assumptions and parameters quite different from those operating in Western medicine. As human beings we exist as an integral part of an energetic —— energy-filled —— universe. Within this universe our mind.   ……




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