ForewordChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Origin1.2 Research Questions1.3 Purposes of the Research1.4 Arrangement1.5 Notes on the DataChapter 2 Theories and Methods2.1 Theories on Thematic Structure2.1.1 Defining "Theme"2.1.2 Defining "Thematic Markedness"2.1.3 Interaction between Thematic Structure an Grammatical Structure2.2 Grammaticalization Theories2.2.1 Defining "Grammaticalization"2.2.2 Survey of Development of Grammaticalization Theories2.2.3 Motivations for Grammaticalization2.3 SummaryChapter 3 A Synchronic Account of Thematic Structure in Early English3.1 Thematic Markedness in Early English3.1.1 A Brief Description of Word Order Pattern in Early English3.1.2 An Outline of the Thematic Constituents in Early English Clauses3.1.3 Themes in Negative Clauses3.1.4 Themes in Questions3.1.5 Preposition Stranding3.1.6 Hierarchy of Thematic Markedness in Early English3.2 Thematic Transformations in Early English3.2.1 Topicalization3.2.2 Passivization3.2.3 Extraposition and It-/There- Insertion3.3 SummaryChapter 4 A Synchronic Account of Thematic Structure in Modern English4.1 Thematic Markedness in Modern English4.1.1 An Outline of Thematic Constituents in……