本书是在关联理论框架内所进行的词汇语用研究。在哲学家和语言学家关于“类型(type)”和“实体(token)”论述的基础上,作者提出了一对与词义紧密联系的重要概念——类型概念和实体概念,并区分了词的语言意义和交际意义。该书主要研究话语理解中词的语言意义的语用调整过程及其五种可能结果——零调整、语用收窄、语用扩充、语用叠加和语用转移,旨在为词汇语用过程提供一种新的统一解释。 该书主要面向语言学方向的研究生和高校教师,也适合英语语言文学专业的高年级本科生。
序前言List of FiguresList of Abbreviations and Symbols1 Introduction 1.1 The study of word meaning 1.2 A general introduction to the present study 1.3 Rationale of the study 1.4 Objectives of the study 1.5 Methodology and data of the study 1.6 Outline of the book2 Pragmatic Studies of Word Meaning 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Pragmatic studies of word meaning abroad 2.2.1 Grice's theory 2.2.2 Levinson's theory 2.2.3 Blutner's study 2.2.4 Wilson's study 2.3 Pragmatic studies of word meaning at home 2.3.1 徐盛桓's study 2.3.2 葛本仪's study 2.3.3 The latest studies 2.4 Summary3 Relevance Theory 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Relevance and cognition 3.3 Relevance and communication 3.3.1 Cognitive environment and mutual manifestness 3.3.2 The Communicative Principle of Relevance 3.4 Relevance and inference 3.4.1 Non-demonstrative inference 3.4.2 The role of deduction in non-demonstrative inference 3.5 Explicature and implicature 3.5.1 The identification of explicature 3.5.2 The identification of implicature 3.6 Summary4 Concept and Word Meaning 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Concept 4.2.1 Saussure's view of concept 4.2.2 Fodor's view of concept 4.2.3 The author's view of concept 4.3 Word meaning 4.3.1 Referential approach 4.3.2 Representational approach 4.3.3 The author' view of word meaning 4.4 Summary5 The Construction of Token concepts 5.1 Introduction 5.2 The properties of knowledge in long-term memory 5.3 The construction of token concepts 5.4 Summary6 Pragmatic Adjustment of Linguistic Meaning of Words 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Zero adjusting 6.3 Narrowing 6.3.1 Deictic expressions 6.3.2 Scalar adjectives 6.3.3 Other words 6.4 Broadening 6.5 Narroadening 6.5.1 Overlapping 6.5.2 Transferring 6.6 The relevance-theoretic interpretation of pragmatic adjustment 6.7 Summary7 Conclusion 7.1 Summary 7.2 Major findings 7.3 Theoretical and practical implications 7.4 Limitations of this study 7.5 Suggestions for further researchBibliography