“新开端英语专业基础课系列教材”是安徽大学外语学院陈正发教授主持的安徽省高等学校“十一五”规划教材项目。《读写教程》是本系列教材其中的一套。本套教材遵循系列教材的编写总原则,以学生发展为本,强调教材内容应从丰富学生的生活经验、提高学生的学习兴趣、擢升学生的认知水平出发,通过相互联系的读、写、听、说、译等语言学习活动,帮助学生体验英语语言及其承载的丰富的文化内涵,帮助学生用英语去思、交流与合作。 本套教材共分4册,每学期一册,适合英语专业基础阶段两学年及同等水平英语学习者教学使用。教材取材广泛,内容丰富,文体多样。既有隽永的经典名篇,也有发人深省的鲜活时文,既有醇厚地道的原文也有形神兼备的译文,将浓郁的传统文化与强烈的现代意识融于一处。所选文章长度适宜’难度渐进。为了更好地满足学生的英语学习需要,我们对部分选材作了适当的删简、调整。 在编排上,本册教材每个单元或每一轮的语言教学都起始于“目标计划”,结束于“回顾反思”与“拓展”,以便更好地进行下一轮的教学。每个单元包括读、写两大模块,这两个模块既可以配合使用,也可以单独使用。每个模块的学习活动安排不仅与教学进程一致,而且有机结合了接受性与产出性技能的练习,既重视语言‘基础知识,也重视语言的运用;既重视语言运用结果,也重视语言运用的过程。单元及模块总体安排科学合理且方便易用。为了便于教学,我们精心编写了配套的教师用书,为授课教师提供了丰富的背景知识、必要的语篇分析、课文难点重点详解和练习参考答案,以及中肯的教学建议。值得一提的是毒在教师用书的写作模块中,还提供了实用的文献参阅(Useful Literature),对写作教学、测评中的一些重要或模糊的概念作了阐释。教师用书中提供的这些内容也为自学者提供了很大的便利。
《读写教程》是本系列教材其中的一套。本套教材遵循系列教材的编写总原则,以学生发展为本,强调教材内容应从丰富学生的生活经验、提高学生的学习兴趣、擢升学生的认知水平出发,通过相互联系的读、写、听、说、译等语言学习活动,帮助学生体验英语语言及其承载的丰富的文化内涵,帮助学生用英语去思、交流与合作。 本套教材共分4册,每学期一册,适合英语专业基础阶段两学年及同等水平英语学习者教学使用。教材取材广泛,内容丰富,文体多样。既有隽永的经典名篇,也有发人深省的鲜活时文,既有醇厚地道的原文也有形神兼备的译文,将浓郁的传统文化与强烈的现代意识融于一处。所选文章长度适宜,难度渐进。为了更好地满足学生的英语学习需要,我们对部分选材作了适当的删简、调整。
Unit 1 People and PlacesUnit 2 Entertainment and RecreationUnit 3 EducationUnit 4 Man and NatureUnit 5 SocietyUnit 6 Culture and History(Ⅰ)Unit 7 Culture and History(Ⅱ)Unit 8 Holidays and FestivalsUnit 9 Health and MedicineUnit 10 Human MindUnit 11 LiteratureUnit 12 Science and Technology
The text tells people who live for the future should wake up to their tomorrow trap and take action to beat this trap before it becomes too late.Sue Shellen barger.“Work&Family”columnist for The Wall Street Journal,has encountered hundreds of people who,she says,“essentially live for the future,taking refuge in visions of a relaxed,rewarding personal and family life somewhere down the road.”She calls this“the tomorrow trap'a kind of mirage that people chase while in reality they are burying themselves in work and other pursuits.”Many of us who say our families are important don't live as if they are.Perhaps without realizing it,we have devalued today in favor of an imagined tomorrow that may never come.As Ms.Shellen barger noted,there are some aspects of life where deferral of gratification and planning for the future are important.If you spend all your money as soon as you get it,down the road you'11 run into serious trouble.Surviving suffering is easier if you can see the light at the end of the tunnel,and have confidence that the suffering will be redeemed.But these attitudes aren't equally valuable in all aspects of one's life,because the Tomorrow Trap is a matter of putting off things you enjoy because you're waiting for some future perfect(or at least better)time to do it. That is the danger of putting things off to an imagined perfect future when all one's dreams will come true:the man who spends all of his time at the office to provide for the family,the woman who puts off seeing her father until one more project is done.It's easy to be so tomorrow-oriented that you forget to live today.and all too often the dreamed-for tomorrow never comes:the children grow up distant from a father who's spent little time with them,the father dies before the daughter's projects are all done.All in all,in the essay issues are presented concerning the number of hours worked by executives who are attempting to earn as much money as possible for a number of reasons such as retirement-planning or increased family in come.In the end,the author hints the only way to escape“the tomorrow trap is to begin following God's guidelines in our work and in our family. This text can be divided into four parts.The first part(paras.1-2)introduces Larry Pium broeck's problem.The second part(paras.3-7)tells about what tomorrow trap is and the biggest step towards escaping it.The third part(paras.8-15)shows some examples of how more and more people are trying escaping the tomorrow trap in their daily lives.In the last part(paras.16-2l ) the author comments on why it's so difficult for people to make simple choices. ……