Hotel English & Etiquette is a training course. It is written for trainees who want to study and practise hotel service and etiquette. It contains eight instructional units. Each unit has four supporting parts. Firstly, Brain Storm 1 presents information and ideas about the service of the related hotel section. The goal of this part is to prepare trainees to learn about the concepts of hotel services. Secondly, Brain Storm 2 presents the statement related to the etiquette required in the service of each hotel section. The goal of this part is to remind and encourage trainees to see the significance of manners and attitude in the hotel services. Thirdly, Practical Conversations provide situational dialogues in each hotel section. The conversations prepare trainees to practise and improve the skill in serving people in English. Fourthly, Tasks assist trainees in ensuring what has been covered and what else should be taken care of. It contains a feedback evaluation to be completed at the end of the study of each unit. Hotel English & Etiquette emphasizes the need for English language practice. Besides using English, trainees also are expected to improve their: Communicative ability; Expressive ability; Interactive ability; Imaginative ability and; Creative ability.
A practical training course for learners of English。 Ptepaies managets。 Concentrates on practical workshop。 Actively promotes development of speaking,creating,teaming up and communicating。 Uses co——operative presentations。 Provides a variety of talking and practical exercises。 New Features: ●New imaginary workshop。 ●Up-dated studying process。 ●Advanced training and learning methods。 ●Fun exercises。 ●More progress。
Yu Xiaoyun,(Margaret Yu)is currently an Associate Professor of Chuxiong Normal University。Mrs。Yu has more than 25 years of teaching and research experience using English。She is a council member of the Foreign Language Research Institute for High Schools of Yunnan Province,a council member of the Foreign Language Teaching Research Institute for the High Schools of Chuxiong Prefecture,and a council member of the Foreign Language Methodology Research Institute of Southwest and Northwest District。Mrs。Yu iS alSO the author of English Through Pictures,Practical English Teaching Skills,English Listening and Speaking Practice etc。and is a teacher and trainer of Hotel English&Etiquette。Mrs。Yu has a TESL diploma from North Central University of Minnesota,U.S.A。
How to Use the BookAcknowledgementsHotelHotel EnglishEtiquetteUnit OneFront Desk Services&EtiquetteUnit Two Housekeeping Services&EtiquetteUnit ThreeRestaurant Services and EtiquetteUnit Four Laundry Services and EtiquetteUnit FiveSouvenir Store Services and EtiquetteUnit SixRecreation&Fitness Center Services and EtiquetteUnit SevenBusiness Center Services and EtiquetteUnit Eight Tourism Desk Services and Etiquette