

杨林聪 湖南大学出版社











  《现代传媒英语》系统地阐述了现代传媒英语在标题、语法、词汇和写作层面上的特点;详细介绍了英语新闻的篇章结构及阅读方法;介绍了新闻传播学的基本理论和国际上著名学者的经典论述。  《现代传媒英语》可作为大专院校新闻传播、广告、媒介经营管理和国际新闻等专业的本科生和研究生的教材。同时,《现代传媒英语》对从事新闻、广告和媒体的工作人员有参考价值。


第一章 新闻学与现代传媒第一节 新闻学的基本概念第二节 主要的英文传媒第二章 现代传媒英语的特点第一节 现代传媒英语的标题特点第二节 现代传媒英语的语法特点第三节 现代传媒英语的词汇特点第四节 现代传媒英语的写作特点第五节 现代传媒英语的文化色彩第三章 英语新闻的篇章结构第一节 标题第二节 导语第三节 消息主体及其结构第四章 不同体裁的现代传媒英语的阅读与理解第一节 快讯、急电、简讯和标题新闻等新闻报道第二节 特写第三节 新闻评论第四节 深度报道第五节 综述第五章 新闻学第一节 新闻传播学的基本理论第二节 新闻传播学著名学者的经典论述第六章 媒介经营管理第一节 媒介经营管理第二节 著名学者的经典论述第七章 广告学第一节 广告学与广告英语第二节 有关广告学的经典著作第三节 经典广告的评析第八章 广播电视新闻学第一节 广播电视研究第二节 广播电视的经典著作第三节 广播电视政治、经济新闻报道附录1 缩略词附录2 主要国家首脑、议会、政府译名参考文献


  The fourth method of ratings data collection, people meters, was started in the mid-1980s by A. C. Nielsen to attempt to improve the accuracy of ratings information and to obtain "single-source data", whereby research companies collect television ratings data, demographic data, and even household member purchasing behavior at the same time.  Traditional television meters indicate only whether the television set is on or off and the channel to which the set is tuned; there are no data about who is watching. Such information must be obtained by pooling TV meter data with information from households in the diary samples. People meters attempt to simplify this data collection task by requiring each person in the household, as well as all visitors, to push a specific button on a mechanical unit that records the viewing. Each person in the home is assigned a button on the meter. The meter instantaneously records information about how many people in the household are watching and the identity of each viewer. The data from each night's viewing are collected via computer. This specific information is valuable for advertisers and their agencies, who now can more accurately target their advertising messages.  Nielsen is convinced that using people meters is the way to obtain accurate television ratings information. The company's interest in people meters was spawned in 1987, when Audits of Great Britain (AGB) introduced the meters to the United States. AGB pulled out of the U. S. people meter service in 1988, however, leaving only Nielsen to develop a universally accepted system of single-source data collection. In 1991, when Arbitron was involved in television ratings, it tried to expand the concept of single-source data with a system called Scan America. The plan was to collect purchasing data and network television viewing information from the same household. Scan America was unsuccessful and was discontinued in late 1992.  In theory, people meters are quite simple: When a person begins or stops watching television, he or she pushes a button to document the behavior. The button may be located on a hand-held device or enclosed in a small box mounted on top of the television set. However, theory and reality are often misaligned. In late 1989, a survey funded by ABC, CBS, and NBC found that people meters "turned off" participants, especially with children's programming on Saturday mornings. Additional criticisms about low television viewing numbers produced by the people meters continue in the mid-1990s.  The major problem with people meters is that participants tire of pushing buttons to record when they watch television, and children cannot be depended upon to push the proper buttons when they turn on the set. The reality is that television ratings produced by people meters are lower than those produced by meters and diaries. Broadcasters and advertisers are concerned. Broadcasters claim the data underestimate actual viewing; advertisers claim the data are probably correct and they are paying too much money (CPM) for their commercials.  ……





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