(英)班克罗夫特,等 编
In the 30 years since the first edition of this book. histolechnology has continued to develop into a highly complex branch of laboratory medicine.Immunohistochemistry,in situ hybridization, molecular pathology,genetic testing and laser capture are all techniques currently in use to establish a diagnosis or to assess the changes occurring in tissues and cells in the disease process. Far more information can be obtained from these techniques than from many of the empirical methods used previously, but knowledge of the old and new is required by trained and trainee histolechnologists as well as the pathologist.The successful training of laborutory staff of all grades requires a thorough grounding in all aspects of histological techniques.In producing this edition, we continued to be faced with the problem of achieving a balance between the new and old technology. To help achieve this some chapters from the last edition have been amalgamated to alllow the introdution of the new material.There are a number of new chapters and contributors for this edition.The new chaoters include The gross room/surgical cutup by Paul Billings and William Grizzle,Tissue microarray by Wanda Grace-Jones,Genetic testing by Caroline Astbury,Laser microdissection by Diane Sterchi,and Jan Minshew has written Ergonomics.
List of contributorsPrefacePreface to the first editionGeneral acknowledgmentsAcknowIedgment to Alan Stevens1.Managing the LaboratoryMarilyn Gamble,lain Banks and John D.Bancroft2.Safety in the LaboratoryRichard W.Dapson3.Light MicroscopyJohn D.Bancroft and Alton D.Floyd4.Fixation of TissuesWilliam E.Grizzle,Jerry L.Fredenburgh and Russell B.Myers5.The Gross Room/Surgical CutupPaul E.Billings and William E.Grizzle6.Tissue ProcessingLenaT.Spencer and John D.Bancroft7.Microtomy:Paraffin and FrozenLena T.Spencer and John D.Bancroft8.How do Histological Stains Work?Richard W.Horobin9.The Hematoxy 8ins and EosinMarilyn Gamble10.Connective Tissues and StainsM.Lamar Jones,John D.Bancroft and Marilyn Gamble11.CarbohydratesRussell B.Myers,Jerry L.Fredenburgh and William E.Grizzle12.LipidsM.Lamar Jones13.Proteins and Nudeic AcidsJerry L.Fredenburgh,John D.Bancroft,William E.Grizzle and Russell B.Myers14.Pigments and MineralsCharies J.Churukian15.AmyloidGeoffrey H.Vowles16.The Dispersed Neuroendocrine System,Cytoplasmic Granules and other OrganellesWilliam E.Grizzle and John D.Bancroft17.MicroorganismsJeanine H.Bartlett18.BoneGayle M.Callis19.Techniques in NeuropathologyScott L.Nestor20.Enzyme Histachemistry and its Diagnostic ApplicationsScott L.Nestor and John D.Bancroft21.lmmunohistochemical TechniquesPeter Jackson and David Blythe22.lmmunohistochemistry Quality ControlChrista L.Hladik and Charles L.White23.lmmunohistochemistry Applications in PathologyCharles L.White24.lmmunofluorescent TechniquesChrista L.Hladik and Charles L.White25.Tissue MicroarrayWanda Grace-Jones26.Molecular Pathology——In Situ hybridizationDlane L.Sterchi27.Genetic Testing:Utilization of Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization(FISH)Caroline Astbury28.Laser MicodissectionDiane L.Sterchi29.Plastic Embedding for Light MicroscopyNeil M.Hand30.Electron MicroscopyAnthony E.Woods and John w.StMing31.Quantitative Data from Microscopic SpecimensAlton D.Floyd32.ErgonomicsJanet,MinshewAppendicesWilliam E.Grizzle,Jerry L.Fredenburgh and Russell B.MyersStaining Methods IndexSubject Index
Medicine itself is a risky business,which requires careful clinical management.Histopathology is a significant aspect of the medical risk management process.The surgical biopsy is sent for histopathological assessment to corroborate or dispute the clinical diagnosis by providing confirmation of data provided from other diagnostic tests.It gives the clinician valuable information on how to proceed with the treatment of the disease.Major resections are referred to the laboratory to confirm the diagnosis,and in the case of malignant tumors to ensure that there are adequate resection margins,to determine the extent of lymphatic involvement and/or direct spread,and to stage and classify the disease.Autopsies provide definitive data for medical audit,and can be used to determine where medical procedures have been ineffective and also to give additional data for the future treatment of other patients with similar medical conditions.……