The study of the neurosciences has undergone remarkable growth over thepast two decades.To a large extent,such advancements have been madepossible through the development of new methodologies,especially in thefields of neuropharmacology,molecular biology,and neuroanatomy.Neu-roscience courses presented in medical schools and related schools ofhealth professions generally are unable to cover all the material that hasevolved in recent years.For this reason,Neuroscience:PreTest Self-Assessmentand Review was written for medical students preparing for licensing exam-inations as well as for undergraduate students in health professions.The subject matter of this book is mainly the anatomy and physiologyof the nervous system.ALSO,an attempt was made to encompass the sub——1ects of molecular and biophysical properties of membranes,neurophar-macology,and higher functions of the nervous system.Moreover,clinical correlations for each part of the central nervous system,often using MRI and CT scans.are presented.Although it is virtually impossible to cover allaspects of neuroscience,the objective of this book is to include its most sig-nificant components as we currently understand them. The author wishes to express his gratitude to Leo Wolansky,MD,andA1an Zimmer,MD,of blessed memory,and Michael Schulder,MD for pro.vidin the MRI and CT scans.
为了帮助有志于参加USMLE的考生更好地复习,北京大学医学出版社全面引进了McGraw Hill公司的两个著名USMLE复习品牌丛书:PreTest系列、FIRST AID系列。这两套丛书经过多次再版,受到世界各地考生的欢迎。本次引进的均为其最新版本。 本书为《PreTest系列》之一,全书采用精练、简明的语言,以图文结合的形式系统介绍了有关神经科学方面的知识,内容包括:Gross Anatomy of the Brain,The Spinal Cord,Anatomy of the Forebrain等。本书非常适合有志于参加或欲了解美国医师执照考试的中国医生参考使用,也可供广大医药院校师生学习专业英语参考。
PrefaceIntroduction High-Yield FactsHigh-Yield Facts in Neuroscience Gross Anatomy of the BrainQuestionsAnswers DevelopmentQuestionsAnswers Anatomical and Functional Properties of Neurons and MuscleQuestionsAnswers The SynapseQuestionsAnswers Neurochemistry/NeurotransmittersQuestionsAnswers The Spinal CordQuestionsAnswers The Autonomic Nervous SystemQuestionsAnswers The Brainstem and Cranial NervesQuestionsAnswers Sensory SystemsQuestionsAnswers Anatomy of the ForebrainQuestionsAnswers Motor SystemsQuestionsAnswers Higher FunctionsQuestionsAnswersBibliographyIndex
232.A patient who Suffered a brainstem stroke was examined by a neu-rologist.He presented with ataxia and lack of coordinated movements.Theneurologist concludes that the primary focus of the lesion affected thestructure whose neurons contribute the largest number of fibers that arecontained in the inferior cerebellar peduncle that supply the cerebellum.Which structure is affected?233.As a result of a stroke involving the lower brainstem.a 64——year-oldman presents with a loss of swallowing and the gag reflex.Which structureis affected?
"Pre Test Neuroscience provides an outstanding Q&A review of the neuroscience topics most frequently tested by the USMLE Step 1.The explanations of correct and incorrect answers are unparalleled by any other review lve used." ——J.Eva Selfridge,Fourth Year MD/PhD Candidate,University of Kansas School of Medicine "This is a usefuI study aid for students preparing for exams.With a broad collection of questions offered,students can integrate their basic science knowledge in clinica Is cenarios." ——Daniel Eskenazi,Fourth Year MD/PhD Candidate,University of Washington SchooI of Medicine
Pre Test,is the closest you can get to seeing the test before you take it.Great for course review and the USMLE Step 1!Biochemistry and Genetics:PreTest asksthe right questions so youll know the rightanswers.Open it and start learning what’s on the test.