郭兆康,赵宝国 主编
如今,中国的旅游管理教育已经走过了20多年的历程。20多年,对于人生而言,可以说已经走近成熟了,然而,对于一个学科的发展来说,这么短的时间恐怕只能够孕育学科的胚芽。万幸的是,哒20多年不同于历史进程中的一般20多年。由于我们坚持了改革开放的政策,我们的视野由此而得到扩展,我们的信心由此而得到强化,我们的步伐也由此而得以加快。所以,虽然仅仅只有20多年,但在中国的教育园地和学科家族中,旅游管理经过有效地分化发展,已经形成了学科体系的基本雏形。如今,旅游管理专业可以把中等职业教育作为起点,并有了高职高专、普通本科和研究生教育(包括硕士和博士研究生教育)。这样完整的教育层次系统,展示了旅游管理教育发展的历程和成果,同时也提出了学科建设中的一些迫切需要解决和面对的问题。其中最重要的一点,就是如何在不同的教育层次和不同的教育类型上对教育目标和教学模式进行准确定位。当旅游管理高等教育领域中开始出现职业教育这种新的教育类型时,这一点就尤其显得突出了。 我国改革开放后得以重建的高等教育体系,向来注重的是学科教育,一直没有给高等职业教育以足够的重视。困扰教育家们的问题似乎不是学科教育和职业教育的关系问题,而是在学科教育体系中如何区别普通专科教育与本科、研究生教育的层次和定位问题。20多年的教育实践证明,人们在这三个层次上所做出的定位努力没有得到应有的效果。相反,在几乎所有的专业领域,都或多或少地存在着一种倾向,即专科教育仅仅是本科教育的简单压缩,而研究生教育仅仅是本科教育的有限延伸。这种状况导致了人才培养的低效率,也由于人才规格的错位而造成了人才使用上的浪费,甚至引起社会用人单位与教育机构之间在这个问题上的矛盾。 正是由于存在着这种带有普遍性的问题以及解决这种问题的动力,我国高等教育近年来的改革在这方面才有了比较大的突破:高等普通专科向高等职业教育转轨。这种转轨使高等职业教育在一定程度上提高了层次,引起了社会各方面的重视,从而使高等职业教育成为高等教育体系中的重要类型。高等职业教育的登堂入室,创造了一种有效的社会氛围,也反过来促使普通专科教育不得不重新审视自己所一贯坚持的教育思想和教学模式,正视自己所面临的问题,并抓住历史的机遇。换言之,普通专科改弦更张的内力和外力都已经具备了。
Unit One An Overview of the Hotel Business Text A A Brief History of the Hotel Industry Text B Hotels and Their Classifications Dialog Ⅰ At the Human Resources Department Dialog Ⅱ Orientation (1) --Ethics Integrity Dialog Ⅲ Orientation (2) --Grooming ExercisesUnit Two Front Office(Ⅰ) Text A Front Office Text B Reservation Dialog Ⅰ A Long Distance Call Reservation Dialog Ⅱ A Group Reservation Dialog Ⅲ Revising the Reservation ExercisesUnit Three Front Office(Ⅱ) Text A Check-in Text B Guest Services Dialog Ⅰ Receiving Walk-in Guests Dialog Ⅱ Extending the Stay Dialog Ⅲ Orientation on Concierge's Work Exercises 'Unit Four Front Office(Ⅲ) Text A Check-out Text B Cashier and Night Auditor Dialog Ⅰ Foreign Currency Exchange Dialog Ⅱ Check-out Dialog Ⅲ Checking Guest Account ExercisesUnit Five Communications Text A Communications Text B Telephone Room Dialog Ⅰ Sending a Fax Dialog Ⅱ Printing Dialog Ⅲ Telephone Service ExercisesUnit Six Housekeeping Text A Housekeeping Department Text B Guestroom Cleaning Dialog Ⅰ Chamber Service Dialog Ⅱ Laundry Service Dialog Ⅲ Baby-sitting Service ExercisesUnit Seven Food Service Text A Organization of Food and Beverage Department Text B Restaurant Service Dialog Ⅰ Taking Orders Dialog Ⅱ Room Service Dialog Ⅲ Banqueting Service ExercisesUnit Eight Beverage Service Text A Beverage Service Text B Wine Facts Dialog Ⅰ At a Restaurant Dialog Ⅱ Bar Service Dialog Ⅲ Liqueur Service ExercisesUnit Nine Kitchen Text A Kitchen Planning Text B Types of Kitchen Dialog Ⅰ Bakery Dialog Ⅱ Cold Items Dialog Ⅲ Working as the CheFs Assistant ExercisesUnit Ten Recrcation(Ⅰ) Text A Recreational Center Text B Recreational Offerings at Resorts Dialog Ⅰ At the Indoor Swimming Pool Dialog Ⅱ At the Bowling Room Dialog HI At the Gymnasium ExercisesUnit Eleven Recrcation(Ⅱ) Text A Searching for a Healthier Lifestyle Text B Common Recreational Activities Dialog Ⅰ "Sauna Is One of the Great Pleasure of Life" Dialog Ⅱ "Massage not only Relaxes the Muscles but also Eases the Pain" Dialog Ⅲ "I Would Like to Try a New Hair Style This Time" ExercisesUnit Twelve Shopping Text A Hotel Shop Text B Shopping on the Web Dialog Ⅰ Showing the Guests around the Arcade Dialog Ⅱ Buying Silk Fabrics Dialog Ⅲ At the Chinese Folk Art Counter ExercisesUnit Thirteen Security Text A Hotel Security (Ⅰ) Text B Hotel Security (Ⅱ) Dialog Ⅰ Orientation on Fire Preventing and Fire Fighting Dialog Ⅱ Preventing a False Claim Dialog Ⅲ Offering First Aid ExercisesUnit Fourteen Engineering and Maintenance Text A Engineering and Maintenance Text B Maintenance Activities Dialog Ⅰ The Maintenance in the Guest Room Dialog Ⅱ A Car Servicing Appointment Dialog Ⅲ Dealing with an Elevator Accident ExercisesUnit Fifteen Marketing Text A Marketing and Selling Text B Common Sales Tools Dialog Ⅰ Convention Sales Call Dialog Ⅱ Extending the Sale Dialog ⅠtI Talking about Hotel Reservations ExercisesUnit Sixteen Controllers Text A Controllers Department Text B Budgeting Dialog Ⅰ Normal Credit Control Dialog Ⅱ Daily Income Audit Dialog Ⅲ Month-end Stock Take ExercisesUnit Seventeen General Manager Text A The General Manager Text B The General Manager's Meetings Dialog Ⅰ Solving the Guest's Complaint Dialog Ⅱ Increasing the Average Rates Dialog Ⅲ Making Travel Preparations Exercises
(Gests may make 8pecial requests that may require moretime and effort to fulfill thanequipment and supply requests.Front Desk agents should be allowed to use their judgrnentwhen attempting to satiafy such requests.Typical procedural requests include:split acountfolios.master account folios,transportation arrangements,entertainment reservations,ticketing,luggage handling,baby-sitting,newspaper delivery,mail and message handling,and secretarial services. A concierge may handle other procedural requests,including proViding directions andinformation on local attractions and facilities as well as arranging for airplanetheater or other reservations.and tickets.They may also be asked to arrange for car rentals and to provide special secretarial services for business travelers.Hotels not employing a conciergemav have Front Desk agents use the Front Office information directory as a resource tor referrals and outside services. A knowledgeable Front Desk agent usually can fulfill a special request involving guestfolios.Split folios are most ofien requested by business travelers.These folios separate.guest cherges int0 two or more separate folio accounts.One folio account records the charge.billed to the guests company or to a group master account.Another folio account may track incidental charges tllat the guest will pay for,such as telephone calls,food,and beverage;this pan 0ftlle folio will most likely be paid by the guest. A convention group meeting in the hotel may request a master folio·Typically,only aut}Iorized charges incurred by the group are posted to the master folio and subsequentlybmed to the convention,s sponsor.Each group member may be held responsible for other charges posted to his or her individual folio account· Some hotels operate a guest service center.When guests have a question pecial request,tlley may not know whom to call.,Often the call goes to Front Desk agentswh0 Inust tllen act upon the requests or refer them elsewhere:A guest servme cente。makes lt easier for guests.
书脏脏的 像是二手的 内容紧凑 内容老 字体密密麻麻看起来会累人 不知道当当是怎么书的质量越来越差 而且快递还不发短信通知