

周苹 清华大学出版社有限公司









Charles H. Schroeder 注解  




全书分为14章,内容包括:国际商务环境、国际金融、贸易与投资、国际区域经济一体化、国际企业经营战略与联合、进出口贸易及生产运营管理、国际市场营销、国际企业财务管理、人力资源及国际物流。书的结构为:学习目的、正文、专栏、注释、练习及案例。配备课件与练习参考答案。 文字陈述将专业性与通俗性相结合,简明、易懂;该书既适于作为本科生和低年级研究生的专业英语教材,也可作为相关从业人员进修读本。


作者:周苹 解说词:(美国)Charles H. Schroeder


Chapter 1 An Overview of International Business 1.1 What Is International Business? 1.2 Why Study International Business? 1.3 International Business Activity  1.3.1 Exporting and Importing  1.3.2 International Investments  1.3.3 Other Forms of International Business Activity 1.4 What Is Globalization  1.4.1 The Globalization of Markets  1.4.2 The Globalization of Production 1.5 The Contemporary Causes of Globalization  1.5.1 Strategic Imperatives  1.5.2 Environmental Change and GlobalizationChapter 2 The Social Environment of International Business 2.1 Economic Systems  2.1.1 Market Economy  2.1.2 Command Economy  2.1.3 Mixed Economy 2.2 Culture and International Business  2.2.1 What Is Culture'?  2.2.2 International Manager's Task in Cross-cultural Markets  2.2.3 The Elements of Culture  2.2.4 Analytical Approaches to Culture  2.2.5 Sources of Cultural Knowledge 2.3 Legal Systems Environment  2.3.1 Different Legal Systems  2.3.2 Contract Law  2.3.3 Property Rights  2.3.4 The Protection of Intellectual Property 2.4 The Political EnvironmentChapter 3 International Trade and Investment Theory 3.1 Classical Country-Based Trade Theories  3.1.1 Mercantilism  3.1.2 The Theory of Absolute Advantage  3.1.3 The Theory of Comparative Advantage  3.1.4 Factor Proportions Trade Theory  3.1.5 The Leontief Paradox3.2 Modern Firm-Based Trade Theories  3.2.1 Country Similarity Theory  3.2.2 Product Life Cycle Theory  3.2.3 Economies of Scale and Imperfect Competition 3.3 The Competitive Advantage of Nations 3.4 International Investment Theories  3.4.1 Ownership Advantages  3.4.2 Internalization Theory  3.4.3 Eclectic Theory 3.5 Factors Influencing Foreign Direct InvestmentChapter 4 The World Trade Organization and Regional Economic Integratinn 4.1 The World Trade Organization  4.1.1 The WTO's Goals and Functions  4.1.2 Basic Agreements  4.1.3 Developing Countries 4.2 Regional Economic Integration  4.2.1 What Is Regional Economic Integration?  4.2.2 Forms of Regional Economic Integration 4.3 The Arguments about Economic Integration  4.3.1 The Case for Regional Integration  4.3.2 The Case against Regional Integration ……Chapter 5 Foreign Exchange and International Financial MarketsChapter 6 The Strategy and Structure of International BusinessChapter 7 Entry Strategy and Strategic AlliancesChapter 8 Import and Export Trade OperationsChapter 9 International Operations ManagementChapter 10 International MarketingChapter 11 International Financial ManagementChapter 12 International AccountingChapter 13 International Human Resource MangementChapter 14 International Logistics and Supply-Chain Management


插图:3.1.1 MercantilismMercantilism is a sixteenth-century economic philosophy," which maintains thatcountry's wealth is measured by its holdings of gold and silver. According to mercantilists, acountry's goal should be to enlarge these holdings by promoting exports and discouragingimports. The logic was transparent to sixteenth-century policy makers: if foreigners buymore goods from you than you buy from them, then the foreigners have to pay you thedifference in gold and silver, enabling you to amass more treasure.Export was considered preferable to domestic trade because exports would earn gold.Large gold and silver holdings meant the reigning monarchs could afford to hire armies tofight other countries and thereby expand their realms. Politically, mercantilism was popularwith many manufacturers and their workers. Import duties, subsidization of exports, andoutright restriction on the importation of many goods were used to maximize the gains fromexports over the costs of imports. Laws were passed making it illegal to take gold or silverout of the country. This was one-way trade, the trade of greed and power.The demise of mercantilism was inevitable given class structure and the distribution ofsociety's product. As the Industrial Revolution introduced the benefits of mass production,lowering prices and increasing the supplies of goods to all, the exploitation of colonies andtrading partners came to an end.3.1.2 The Theory of Absolute AdvantageGenerally considered the father of economics, Adam Smith published The Wealth ofNations in 1776 in London. In this book, Smith attempted to explain the process by whichmarkets and production actually operate in society. Smith's two main areas of contribution,absolute advantage and the division of labor, were fundamental to trade theory.Production, the creation of a product for exchange, always requires the use of society'sprimary element of value, human labor. Smith noted that some countries, owing to the skillsof their workers or the quality of their natural resources, could produce the same products asothers with fewer labor-hours.


这部教材是为涉外财经学科的本科生和低年级研究生提高国际商务及相关课程的专业英语水平而编写的。本书涵盖了当今国际商务涉及的基本领域,突出重点内容,陈述简明扼要,是用英语学习国际商务的一本基础教材。由于本书使用者是中国读者,在书中适度地反映中国在国际商务领域的情况,尤其是专栏文章和案例中的内容涉及中国的占到50%。本书的语言既通俗易懂,又适度地体现国际商务专业性表述。这主要得益于编著者大量地研读了国外国际商务方面的教材,重点放在由来自美、英国家国际商务专业领域的专家、学者为英语为非母语的学生而编写的此类教材上;同时,还广泛地向以美、英国家大众读者为对象的经济或商务方面的报刊杂志取材。因此,该书具有用较为浅显的文字说明较强专业性内容的特点;具有财经学科基础知识和相当于大学英语四级程度的读者即可读懂。在每节之后附有生词表,每章之后有练习题。本书提供参考课件和练习参考答案。在编写过程中,我得到了我的老师、家人和友人宝贵的帮助。我感谢我的老师美国加利福尼亚大学富乐顿分校Charles H.Schroeder教授,他审校了全书,对英语严格把关;感谢我的丈夫赵立民,他承担了许多家务并协助我整理资料。我还要向下列友人表示感谢:赵晓晨教授、何斌副教授热情解答我提出的学术问题;研究生周小青、李莉莉协助我查找资料,校对清样,并提供了部分练习参考答案;参与提供答案的还有研究生孙倩、刘景、宋丽、王璐和张海兰;责编王晓春女士对本书提出了有价值的建议,付出了辛勤的劳动。尽管竭尽全力编写,由于受本人专业知识水平和英语程度所限,书中难免存在不足之处,敬请读者批评指正。






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