赵新,王建荣 主编
听是语言学习及运用过程中不可或缺的一个重要环节,听力技能的提高对于高等院校英语专业基础阶段的学习则显得尤为迫切、极其关键。为了满足该阶段英语教和学的实际需要,我们在借鉴近年来英语听力教学研究成果的基础上,结合教师的课堂教学实践,紧扣最新的《高等院校英语专业基础阶段英语教学大纲》的要求,完成了本教材的编写及录音合成工作。 本教材希望通过系统的听力技能单项训练和综合训练,帮助学生发掘自身的潜能,养成良好的听的习惯,提高信息处理及记录、记忆能力,能够做到快速反应、准确识别,善于展开分析推理、归纳总结。 本教材有以下几个方面的突出特点。 1.题材广泛,语料丰富,内容包罗万象、涉及宽泛,同时强调语言的真实性、典型性和实用性,以增进学生对目的语言的文化理解,从而使学生能够学以致用。 2.练习形式多样,听与写结合,为适应英语专业四级考试的听力测试形式,在练习的编写上除保留技能训练的常见题型外,增加了专题听写及新闻、长对话和短文等客观题型。 3.重视语言基本功的培养,针对中国学生学习的弱点,设计了辨音及数字辨识等有针对性的技能练习,而且内容安排由简至繁、循序渐进,系统地训练和提高学生的英语听力技能。 4.每单元极富情趣的幽默故事或对话有利于缓解学习压力,营造轻松的课堂气氛。 5.每单元的结构基本一致,从而能够使教学过程驾轻就熟、从容地展开。本教材每单元的结构均包括以下5部分。第一部分:辨音训练。第二部分:热身练习。提供适当的切人点,引导学生进人主题。第三部分:专题训练。所选材料与话题密切相关,形式多为小对话、长对话及段落等。 第四部分:新闻及报道。筛选最新的VOA、BBC等的新闻报道、短评或讲话等材料,帮助学生听懂新闻。 第五部分:轻松一刻。以轻松幽默的方式结束紧张的听力课堂教学。 本教材共两册,每册30个单元,可供高等学校英语专业一、二年级学生使用,同时也适合师范类院校、广播电视大学、成人教育院校英语专业的学生及其他英语学习者使用。
本教材共30个单元,通过系统的听力技能单项训练和综合训练,帮助学生发掘自身的潜能,养成良好的听的习惯,提高信息处理及记录、记忆能力,能够做到快速反应、准确识别,善于展开分析推理、归纳总结。 本教材每单元的结构均包括5个部分,即辨音训练、热身练习、专题训练、新闻及报道、轻松一刻。 本教材可供高等学校英语专业一、二年级学生使用,同时也适合师范类院校、广播电视大学、成人教育院校英语专业的学生及其他英语学习者使用。
Unit 1 Meeting and GreetingUnit 2 Talking about Personal InformationUnit 3 Making Phone CallsUnit 4 Finding an ApartmentUnit 5 ShoppingUnit 6 Seeing a boctorunit 7 Entertaining Friends at DinnerUnit 8 Spending Spare TimeUnit 9 Talking about SportsUnit 10 Talking about WeatherUnit 11 Making an AppointmentUnit 12 Celebrating a HolidayUnit 13 Showing the WayUnit 14 Talking about StudyUnit 15 Applying for a JobUnit 16 Describing Daily RoutineUnit 17 Talking about Family LifeUnit 18 ComplainingUnit 19 Keeping FitUnit 20 Talking about ArtsUnit 21 Car DrivingUnit 22 Eating OutUnit 23 Having a HaircutUnit 24 BankingUnit 25 Asking for RepairsUnit 26 Staying at a HotelUnit 27 Talking about Likes and DislikesUnit 28 Traveling by AirUnit 29 Traveling by TrainUnit 30 Traveling Abroad
A.Directions:You are going to hear a story.Listen carefully and decide which choice can best answer each of the following questions. 1.How do the engineers and the accountants buy their tickets? A.The three engineers buy only a single ticket and SO do the three accountants. B.The three engineers buy only a single ticket and the three accountants each buy tickets. C.The three engineers and the three accountants each buy tickets. D.The three accountants buy only a single ticket and the three engineers each buy tickets. 2.What happens to the engineers after they have boarded the train to the conference? A.They are fined for not having bought the tickets. B.The conductor checks the restroom and finds that engineers are hiding there. C.They only show one ticket and the conductor does not suspect anything wrong. D.The three accountants offer their seats to the engineers. 3.What happened to the three accountants on their return trip? A.They decide to buy three tickets. B.They copy the engineers and successfully save some money. C.They are taken advantage of by the engineers. D.The three engineers share their seats together with them. B.Directions:Listen to the story again,and complete the following sentences with what you hear.Each blank should be filled with just one word.