本书共分12个单元,涵盖了计算机基础词汇、常用短语、常见句型及各种计算机文献。每个单元由对话、课文、词汇、短语、注释和练习组成。为了提高读者对计算机英语的运用能力和团队协作能力,每个单元最后还特别准备了若干个供读者练习口语的讨论题。本书旨在使读者掌握计算机专业英语术语,培养和提高读者阅读和笔译专业英语文献资料的能力,并通过课堂英语交流和团队式讨论题来提高学生英语口语运用能力。 本书与同类教材相比,有如下几个方面的特点。 编写教材的教师队伍由以下3方面的人员构成:计算机相关专业的教师、多年从事计算机专业英语教学的一线教师、多年从事普通英语教学的一线教师。 从教材的结构和内容编排来看,有其独到之处:既有专业词汇的正规解释,又包括了一些常见的语法现象的解释,同时还提供了实例图片,便于教学过程中举例或者对话使用,增强了灵活性,提高课堂教学效果,进行本课程教学的教师无论是计算机专业的还是英语专业的,都为他们提供了极大的方便。 从教材内容选取上来看,在硬件、软件、网络及应用等方面均有所体现。本书能与现有计算机基础等教材内容相互补充,一方面可以作为计算机基础双语教学的教材,另一方面也可以作为计算机基础教学的补充读物,富有趣味性。 本书可以作为高职高专院校计算机专业的英语教材,也可供计算机专业人员及其他有兴趣的读者学习参考,同时本书还可以作为高等院校计算机基础的双语教材。 本书由陈枫艳与陈志峰主编,杨淑娴与汤丽娜副主编。感谢相关资料的所有者并希望读者对本书提出宝贵的意见和建议。
本书旨在使读者掌握计算机专业英语术语,培养和提高读者阅读和笔译专业英语文献资料的能力,并通过课堂英语交流和团队式讨论题来提高学生英语口语运用能力。 本书中的英语短文语言地道、文字优美、融知识性、趣味性、实用性为一体。 全书共分15章,涵盖了计算机基础词汇、常用短主语、常见句型以及各种上计算机文献。每个单元由对话、课文、词汇和短语、注释、练习组成。 本书可以作为高职高专院校计算机专业的英语教材,也可供计算机专业人员及其他有兴趣的读者学习参考,同时,本书可作为高等院校计算机基础的双语教材。
Unit 1 Today's Computer Dialogue Text A Computer: An Important Role in People's Lives Text B Networks and the Intemet Exercises Unit 2 The Elements of Hardware Dialogue Text A Inside the System Unit Text B Storage Systems Text C Input and Output Exercises Unit 3 Starting a Computer Dialogue Text A Using the Windows Operating System Text B E-mail and Downloading Exercises Unit 4 The Elements of the Internet and Web Dialogue Text A Introduction of the Intemet and World Wide Web Text B How to Surf the Web Exercises Unit 5 Systems Software Dialogue TextA Windows Text B Other Operating Systems Exercises Unit 6 Application Software Dialogue Text A What is Application Soft, rare Text B Adobe Flash, P2P, MSN Messenger and Skype Exercises Unit 7 Networks Dialogue Text A What is a Network Text B How Networks Work Exercises Unit 8 The Internet and World Wide Web Dialogue Text A Intemet Connectivity Issues Text B Searching the Intemet Text C Online Shopping, TV, Movies and Music, Blog and YouTube Exercises Unit 9 E-Business and E-Commerce Dialogue Text A What is E-business and E-commerce Text B E-business Applications Exercises Unit 10 Database (A) Dialogue Text A Introduction of Database Text B Data Concepts and Characteristics Exercises Unit 11 Database (B) Dialogue Text A Database Models Text B Databases and the Web Exercises Unit 12 Social Issues Dialogue TextA Computer Crime Text B Computer Security Text C Computer and Privacy Exercises 参考答案 参考译文 参考文献
In 1970s, it was not essential for the average people to know how to use a computer in his orher job and it was uncommon to have a computer at home. Computers were large and expensive,and few people had access to them. Furthermore, the use of computers generally required a lot oftechnical knowledge. Most computers used in organizations just carried out high-volume paperworkprocessing, such as issuing bills and keeping track of customers and product balances. Mostordinary working people were afraid of computers and there were few good reasons for gettingfamiliar with them. Suddenly things began to change. Microc6mputers——inexpensive personal computers or PCs——-were created and computer use increased dramatically. This increased use of computers hasaffected our personal lives, as well as changed the way many companies do business and the skillsthey seek in the people they hire. Now, you can learn to use a computer without a complete understanding of the technicaldetails of how a computer works. Yet, a little knowledge gives you a big advantage. Knowingsomething about cars can help you to make wise purchases and save money on repairs. Likewise,knowing something about computers can help you buy the right one for your needs, use it formaximum benefit, and give you a much higher level of comfort and confidence along the way.Therefore, computer literacy————knowing and understanding computers and their uses——is essentialtoday for everyone.
把握最新技术发展方向,突出学生实践能力培养,基于工作过程项目驱动。 丛书特点: 密切注意技术发展方向。教材内容紧随技术和经济的发展而更新,及时将新知识、新技术、新版本和新案例等引入教材。 突出实用性和针对性,培养实践能力。围绕培养学生的职业技能这条主线来设计教材的结构、内容和形式。以社会需要为目标,以就业为导向的宗旨,满足院校学历证书与职业资格证书并重的“双证制”要求。采用“基于工作过程项目驱动”的编写方式,激发学生的学习兴趣。注重立体化教材(数字化教学系统、试题库、网络课程)建设。通过主教材、电子教案、配套素材光盘、实训指导和习题及解答等教学资源的有机结合,提高教学服务水平,为高素质技能型人才的培养创造良好的条件。
还不错啊 啊还不错啊 啊还不错啊 啊