高丽文 著
初中生在英语学科的能力培养中,除了平时加强积累。增强英语的整体感知能力之外,还特别需要教师能够吃透考试大纲,有针对性地让学生进行专项训练,但题海战术并不可取,最好选用附有最近一两年中考英语真题分析的参考书,因为这些真题更具权威性和导向性。 我们的老师和家长能否帮助学生挑选一套对提高考试能力行之有效的辅导丛书直接关系到学生的考试成绩和升学。据此,我们为考生隆重推出了《新创意·初中英语专题全解》系列丛书。本套丛书以新课标和各地中考考纲说明为编写依据,旨在通过精选的材料和精炼的讲解为考生提供有效的复习指导。 本套丛书共有六本,即《初中英语专题全解·听力(听)》《初中英语专题全解·单项选择(考)》《初中英语专题全解·完形填空(补)》《初中英语专题全解·阅读理解(读)》《初中英语专题全解·写作(写)》和《初中英语专题全解·语法大全(练)》。 读者对象 本丛书适用于初一、初二、初三年级的学生进行专项复习和训练,是对课内知识复习和巩固的好帮手。 编写队伍 本套丛书由一批有着多年初中教学经验的一线教师编写而成。 编写特点 〔实用性强,适用范围广〕本套丛书汇总全国各地的英语中考试题,力求总结各地中考试题的共性。
第一篇 阅读理解制胜方略一 中考阅读理解的考纲要求二 中考阅读理解的命题特点三 中考阅读理解的考查内容四 中考阅读理解题型分类五 中考阅读理解解题技巧与答题步骤六 中考阅读理解解题方法七 阅读理解中如何猜测词义八 阅读理解题应注意的问题第二篇 走进中考真题回顾一真题回顾二真题回顾三真题回顾四真题回顾五真题回顾六真题回顾七真题回顾八真题回顾九真题回顾十真题回顾十一真题回顾十二真题回顾十三真题回顾十四真题回顾十五真题回顾十六真题回顾十七答案与解析
Cancer is among the top killer diseases in our society today and scientists have found out that stress helps to bring it on.It is worth considering. What are the causes of stress in our life,and whether we can do anything about them?Are we out of work,or have too many responsibilities?Do we have a fight balance of work and leisure in our lives?Are our relationships with family,friends or fellow workers all they should be? All these things can be a cause of stress,and it is best to face them honestly,and to bring out frustrations into the open.People who have a good row and then forget it are doing their health better than those who bottle up their feelings. If our self-examination has brought any causes of stress to light,let us consider what we can do about them.It is possible to change jobs.We Can make more leisure and fill it more happily,if we will accept a different living standard.We can improve our personal relationships by a different attitude.It is we who allow other people to make OUrselves unhappy.Often the little things that disturb US are not worth an hour‘s anger.The teach.ing in the Bible“Don’t let the sun go down upon your wrath”is good advice from the health point of view. 1.According to the text,which of the following sentences is the best statement? A.Freedom from responsibilities helps reduce stress. B.Stress is the direct cause of cancer。