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方笑君 编  






  “美国文学选读”是我国高等院校英语专业高年级教学大纲中所要求的必修课程之一。本书是笔者根据多年教授该课程的教学实践和授课讲义,同时借鉴参考国内外多种同类教材,并结合目前本课程授课时数的实际情况,反复筛选、精心编纂而成。  同英国文学相比,美国文学的历史不长,即便加上其印第安民族的早期土著文学,亦仅有三百多余年的光景。因此,从狭义上讲,美国文学曾经是“舶来品”或日“殖民地文学”。然而,随着时光的推移,尤其是到独立战争结束之时,美国文学开始在世界文学的大格局中已崭露头角,异军突起,逐渐对近现代乃至当代文学产生巨大的影响。它又以其独特的北美风格和海纳百川的民族特点,以及引领文学思潮的时代性,成为世界文学中最重要的组成部分之一,也最终演变为“真正的文学”。在美国文学发展的历史进程中,涌现出许多蜚声文坛的大作家。从早期的华盛顿·欧文,直到当代的索尔·贝篓(一译索尔·贝洛),可谓是名家辈出,佳作迭现。  考虑到美国文学鲜明的多元性,笔者在浩如烟海的名家典籍之中精选了近二十位具有代表性的小说家和诗人及其代表作,试图以此作为学习,以至研究美国文学的入门蓝本之一,尽管笔者清楚地明白该书对更深层次地了解掌握美国文学发展的全景式过程依然远远不够,而仅仅是为广大学习者提供一个初级平台。




Unit One The Early American LiteratureChapter Ⅰ The Seventeenth Century LiteratureChapter Ⅱ The Eighteenth Century LiteratureBenjamin Franklin1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingThe Autobiography (excerpts)Unit Two The Age Of RomanticismChapter Ⅰ American Literature of Pro-RomanticismWashington Irving1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingRip Van Winkle (excerpts)Chapter Ⅱ American Literature of Post-RomanticismRalph Waldo Emerson1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingSelf- Reliance (excerpts)Edgar Allan Poe1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingThe Cask of Amontillado (excerpts)Nathaniel Hawthorne1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingThe Scarlet Letter (Chapter 19 )Walt Whitman1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingI Hear America SingingCome Up from the Fields FatherFrom Song of Myself ( Section 1 )O Captain ! My Captain !Emily Dickinson1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingSuccess Is Counted SweetestTheres a Certain Slant of LightAgain His Voice Is at the DoorIm Nobody! Who Are You?Unit Three The Age of Realism and NaturalismChapter Ⅰ American Literature of the Middle and Late Nineteenth CenturyMark Twain1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ( Chapter 11 )Henry James1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingPasteChapter Ⅱ American Literature at the Turn of the CenturyTheodore Dreiser1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingSister Carrie ( Chapter 1 )Jack London1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingLove of Life (excerpts)Unit Four The Twentieth Century American LiteratureChapter Ⅰ Between the Two World WarsRobert Frost1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingThe Road Not TakenMending WallStopping by Woods on a Snowy EveningFire and IceEzra Pound1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingIn a Station of the MetroA PactErnest Hemingway1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingIn Another CountryFrancis Scott Fitzgerald1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingThe Great Gatsby (Chapter 3 excerpts)John Steinbeck1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingThe Grapes of Wrath ( Chapter 25 )William Faulkner1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingA Rose for EmilyEugene ONeill1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingLong Days Journey intoNight ( Act 2, Scene 2)Chapter Ⅱ American Literature Since 1945Saul Bellow1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingThe Adventures of AugieMarch ( Chapter 21 )Ralph Ellison1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingInvisible Man ( Chapter 1 )Joseph Heller1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingCatch-22 (Chapter 5 excerpts)Arthur Miller1.About the Author2.Selected ReadingDeath of a Salesman (Act Ⅱ )References


  The Cask of Amontillado (excerpts)  I broke and reached him a flagon of De Grave. He emptied it at a breath. His eyes flashed with a fierce light. He laughed and threw the bottle upwards with a gesticulation I did not understand.  I looked at him in surprise. He repeated the movement —— a grotesque one.  "You do not comprehend?" he said.  "Not I," I replied.  "Then you are not of the brotherhood. "  "How?"  "You are not of the masons. "  "Yes, yes," I said, "yes, yes. "  "You? Impossible ! A mason?"  "A mason," I replied.  "A sign, "he said, "a sign. "  "It is this," I answered, producing from beneath the folds of my roquelaire a trowel.  "You jest," he exclaimed, recoiling a few paces. "But let us proceed to the Amontillado4. "  "Be it so," I said, replacing the tool beneath the cloak and again offering him my arm. He leaned upon it heavily. We continued our route in search of the Amontillado. We passed through a range of low arches, descended, passed on, and descending again, arrived at a deep crypt, in which the foulness of the air caused our flambeaux rather to glow than flame.





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