

陈锵明 主编 对外经济贸易大学出版社





陈锵明 主编  




《研究生英语核心教材-综合教程(下)》是为研究生公共英语课程编写的教材。本书共分十个单元,各个单元之间题材与体材尽量不一,但每个单元都由三篇同一个主题的文章组成。每单元的第一篇,设计了一系列基于课文以及由课文进一步延伸的问题。随后的两篇同一主题的泛读文章为第一篇的问题提供不同的观点与视角,以利于论题做更深入和广泛的讨论,因此也可视为第一篇的有机组成部分。 所选课文尽量语言质朴流畅,具有一定的思想性。让学生认识到,好的英语往往是质朴的英语,质朴的语言往往更能表达复杂丰富的思想。


Unit 1 The Unabomber Passage One The Disease of the Modem Era Passage Two SolitudeUnit 2 The Future of Science... Is Art? Passage One The Future of Science: A Conversation with Alan Lightman Passage Two The Impact of Science on SocietyUnit 3 Ronald Reagan: Remarks on the 40th Anniversary of D-Day Passage One On the 50th Anniversary of the End of the World War II in Europe Passage Two Marshall Plan SpeechUnit 4 Caught Between Places Passage One The Joys of Writing Passage Two Simpicity in ArtUnit 5 Marco Polo's Legacy Passage One Italy -- The Cradle of the Renaissance Passage Two The Breakdown of Medieval CivilizationUnit 6 Same Sex Marriage in the United States Passage One Gay Parenting Passage Two Universal Declaration of Human RightsUnit 7 Winston Smith Passage One Brave New World Passage Two Animal FarmUnit 8 SummerhiU Education vs Standard Education Passage One Universities and Their Function Passage Two Oxford as I See ItUnit 9 The Clash of Civilizations? Passage One When Cultures Collide Passage Two Let's Make EnemiesUnit 10 Professional Women and Domestic Violence Passage One Harsher Penalties can Reduce Family Violence Passage Two Lessons from the Domestic Violence Intervention Project


  The belief that the Titanic was unsinkable was so strong that passengers and crew alikeclung to the belief even as she was actually sinking. This attitude was not helped by CaptainSmith, who had not acquainted his senior officers with the full situation. For the first hourafter the collision, the majority of people aboard the Titanic, including senior crew, were notaware that she would sink, that there were insufficient lifeboats or that the nearest shipresponding to the Titanics distress calls would arrive two hours after she was on the bottomof the ocean. As a result, the officers in charge of loading the boats received a very half-hearted response to their early calls for women and children to board the lifeboats. People feltthat they would be safer, and certainly warmer, aboard the Titanic than perched in a littleboat in the North Atlantic Ocean. Not realising the magnitude of the impending disasterthemselves, the officers allowed several boats to be lowered only half full.Procedures again were at fault, as an additional reason for the officers reluctance tolower the lifeboats at full capacity was that they feared the lifeboats would buckle under theweight of 65 people. They had not been informed that the lifeboats had been fully tested priorto departure. Such procedures as assigning passengers and crew to lifeboats and lifeboatloading drills were simply not part of the standard operation of ships nor were they included increw training at this time.As the Titanic sank, another ship, believed to have been the Californian, was seenmotionless less than twenty miles away. The ship failed to respond to the Titanics eightdistress rockets. Although the officers of the Californian tried to signal the Titanic with theirflashing Morse lamp, they did not wake up their radio operator to listen for a distress call. Atthis time, communication at sea through wireless was new and the benefits not wellappreciated, so the wireless on ships was often not operated around the clock. In the case ofthe Californian, the wireless operator slept unaware while 1,500 Titanic passengers and crewdrowned only a few miles away.After the Titanic sank, investigations were held in both Washington and London. In theend, both inquiries decided that no one could be blamed for the sinking. However, they didaddress the fundamental safety issues which had contributed to the enormous loss of life. As aresult, international agreements were drawn up to improve safety procedures at sea. The newregulations covered 24 hour wireless operation, crew training, proper lifeboat drills, lifeboatcapacity for all on board and the creation of an international ice patrol.




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