郭建梅 编
外贸英语函电作为国际商务往来经常使用的联系方式,是开展对外经济贸易业务和有关商务活动的重要工具。《外贸英语函电》是英语写作与外贸实务相结合的一门综合性课程。通过对外贸易进出口业务当中往来函电写作技巧的教学,以及对外贸易进出口业务各环节涉及的专业术语和表达方法的教学,本教材旨在培养学生与国外贸易伙伴的英语书面沟通能力,使其能很快适应工作岗位的要求。它既是培养外贸工作人员必,须具备的专业英语技能课程,也是企业选拔毕业生的一门主要考核课程。 本教材立足于启发式教学,突出“教、学、做”一体的理念,按国际贸易的各个环节构建教学内容,共设有商业书信的结构、建立业务关系、询盘发盘和还盘、成交、包装和装运、保险、支付方式、索赔和理赔八个教学单元。每个单元包括:相关问题讨论、写作指导、课文学习、课后练习、常用表达法和实训内容。讨论问题是为了回顾与国际贸易相关的知识,对英文函电的学习起到铺垫作用。每课课后练习紧紧围绕所学课文中的短语和表达方法,通过反复练习加以巩固。本教材的特色是每单元后面的实训练习.其中的很多材料来自外贸企业的真实案例,具有很强的实用性和综合性。在本书最后.我们附上了七套技能测试题,以便检验学习效果。 参加本书编写的既有高校经验丰富的教师,也有来自外贸公司的校外兼职教师,体现了校企合作的特点。本书不仅可以作为高职高专国际贸易、国际商务、商务英语等专业的教科书。也对在外经、外贸、外事及合资企业工作的人员有较高的实用价值。
Unit 1 Language Features and Layout of a Business LetterUnit 2 Seeking New Clients and Establishing Business RelationsUnit 3 Enquiries, Offers and Counter-offersUnit 4 AcceptanceUnit 5 Packing and ShipmentUnit 6 InsuranceUnit 7 Terms of PaymentUnit 8 Claims and SettlementAPPENDIX ⅠTest For Integrated Skills ( 1 - 7 )APPENDIX ⅡTerms of International Economics and Trade对外经贸术语
1. Clarity Above all, a business letter must be clear and easily understood. If your letter isambiguous, it might bring trouble to yourself as well as to your reader. While presenting anidea, you need to follow a clear logic. To avoid ambiguity and confusion, you should usesimple and accurate words, short and simple sentences where appropriate. 2. Conciseness To be concise is to express a message completely in as few words as possible. Inbusiness correspondence, this means increased effectiveness and decreased cost. Wordyexpressions and redundancies are the major blunders to overcome. 3. Courtesy The principle of courtesy requires one to be thoughtful and polite in writing a businessletter. If you put yourself in the readers shoes, considering his or her needs, problems andemotions, your letter will most probably be appreciated. Normally, punctuality is stressed asan important aspect of courtesy in business correspondence. A prompt letter is always morevalued than a delayed one. 4. Completeness Like any other letter, a good business letter should be complete, providing all theinformation and data necessary for a specific issue. If any necessary piece of information islacking, the reader will have to write another letter. It will not only waste time, energy andmoney, but also damage the image of vour comoanv.