房玉靖、姚颖 主编
在21世纪的信息时代,伴随着中国对外开放的深入,全球经济一体化步伐的加快,以及中国世界工厂地位的确立,中国企业的机遇与挑战也相伴而来。一方面,中国企业的市场份额扩展到全球范围;另一方面,中国企业要面临国内外对手的激烈竞争。中外企业在日益频繁的交往和碰撞中互相影响着对方的国家文化、企业文化以及个人价值观。而在这些东西方的跨文化交流中,研究彼此的商业运作模式及思维方法也必将为有效的交际起到不可低估的作用。同时,在频繁的交际中,我们屡屡看到来自不同文化背景的人们在交际中所表现的尴尬、不快与失望。基于此,本书以双语教学、文化教学、任务型教学法等理论为指导,从跨文化交际的视角,剖析国际商务交流的实例,介绍与跨文化交际相关的理论与实践。 本书共分为八章,涵盖了跨文化交际各个方面的主要内容,并对其中一些重要问题有相对深入的介绍与讨论。第一章从文化的定义、特点以及层次人手,打开跨文化交际的大门;第二章和第三章分别探讨了文化差异在言语交际和非言语交际方面的种种表现;第四章对影响人们感知和认知世界的文化因素进行了剖析,并比较了中西方在文化价值观方面的不同,介绍了文化维度的概念;第五章主要描述了跨文化交际过程中可能遇到的障碍,以及应对文化冲击的种种方法;跨文化商务交际的礼仪为第六章,主要涉及了交际中的诸多细节,如介绍、问候、礼物、着装、社会习俗、幽默、迷信和禁忌、商务日程等。第七章和第八章是跨文化商务交际的实战部分,第七章介绍了跨文化商务谈判,探讨了谈判的定义,跨文化谈判的风格,各个阶段、谈判策略等,第八章探讨了跨文化品牌经营和跨文化广告,以及影响这两方面的种种要素。
Chapter 1 Culture,Communication & Intercultural CommunicationChapter 2 Verbal CommunicationChapter 3 Nonverbal CommunicationChapter 4 Cultural ValuesChapter 5 Culture Shock in Intercultural CommunicationChapter 6 Business Etiquette & Social CustomsChapter 7 Intercultural Business NegotiationChapter 8 Intercultural Market CommunicationReference KeyBibiography
交际的重要性 Intercultural communication skills are essential for businesspersons in today’S market.The increase in globalization in the last few decades has changed the way people view the world and conduct business in that world:Economic globalization generally results in individuals from one culture working not only with,but also for individuals from another culture.Business schools have a responsibility to prepare their students to be ef fectiveintercuItural communicators.Many business school.the U.S.have begun toincorporate intercultural Communication into their curricula through individual chapters,research projects,semester-long courses,study abroad programs,and other methods.However.it seems that the students in China sometimes are more interested in learning about business and professional knowledge than in learning about the process of interculturaI business communication.Effective internationaI business communication skills are the backbone that supports many transactions of businesses throughout theworld.The ability to communicate effectively gives both businesspersons and the irorgan izations tangible benefits. The goal in Iearning should therefore be to increase the students communicative competency skills,which would.include not only linguistic competencies but alsosociolinguistic competencies.The students should also be taught to become culturallya ware in the learning process and to not only know,but also understand how and why it is important to develop the communicative skills that wil heIp them to interact with people from other cultures.This is especially important to students who are majoring in international business or foreign language studies,where there is an urgent need forhighly developed interpersonal communication skills and intercultural business communication competence.