

施建军 对外经济贸易大学出版社













1 Making All-out Efforts to Be a Good Relay Runner2 Nanjing University, My Eternal Spiritual Home3 The Spirit and Philosophies of Modern Universities4 Developing a Unique and Top University with Its Own Characteristics5 Practicing Seriously the Spirit of UIBE, Be Active and Ambitious Members of UBE6 Taking Discipline Development as the Leading Role and Striving for Practical Results7 The Formation Mechanism of Top-notch Talents of Institutions of Higher Learning8 Accelerating the Research Base Construction; Vigorously Raising the Research Level9 Understanding the Features of Higher Education,Deepening the Reform of Undergraduate Teaching.10 Internationalization: the Foundation of the University, theSource of Uniqueness, the Path to Development11 Seeking Unity of Thinking, Striving for Overall QualityImprovement of Doctoral Students12 Having a Deep Understanding of New EducationalPhilosophies, Making Wholehearted Efforts on StudentAffairs in the New Era13 My Thoughts on the Business English Program and Curriculum14 Positively Developing China's Higher Education of Finance and Economics15 Learning to Be Grateful and Being Ready for Flight in Society16 Reciprocation to Your Alma Mater17 Social Practice Is the Most Important Lesson for the Growth of Students18 Building Brand by Raising Quality, Exploring Market by Creativity19 Going All Out for Employment under the New Situation20 Persisting in Work Belief and Explicit Positioning forPromoting Student Counselors' Team Building21 Implementing Cadre Rotation and Enhancing Our Leadership22 Establishing School of International Relations, OptimizingAllocation of Disciplines23 On Several Mechanisms to Improve Party Work Styleand Clean Administration in Universities24 Considerations on Modern Universities' Financial Management25 Eight Separations for Promoting the StandardizedManagement of University Owned Industries26 Improving University Management to Ensure the ValueIncrement of State-Owned Assets27 Building Campus Information Platforms for InformationDevelopment in Universities28 Exploring the Theory and Practice of Socialized LogisticsServices in Universities29 Regional Economic Development and Drive for Modern University Innovation30 Creating the Education Foundation in Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of UIBE31 Strengthening Alumni Connections in Promotion of the Mutual Prosperity and Benefits32 Promoting the Art of Calligraphy for a Happy Old Age33 New South Gate, New Hope of Development34 Modern Library is the Heart of a University35 Constructing a Low-Carbon Campus for a Green University36 Questions and Answers at Lanzhou Conference37 Universities Should Clearly Define the Three Types of Educations38 How Are Tertiary and Secondary Education Linked in Nurturing Creative Talents39 Learning to Have Great Aims in the Development of Distance Education40 Seeking Help More from Oneself than from OthersPostscript




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