Chapter 1 Introduction1.2 Discussions on KE methodsChapter 2 Information retrieval: the ultimate goal2.1 Introduction2.3.1 Free text string searching2.4.1 The Vector Space Model2.4.2 Probabilistic approaches2.4.3 Document classification and clustering2.5 Linguistic approaches to IR2.5.1 Problems with statistical methods2.5.2 Non-statistical methods2.7 Nominal phrases2.7.1 Significance2.7.2 Phrase detection and extraction2.7.3 Base NPs2.8 SummaryChapter 3 Web search and relevance: trigger and rationale3.1 Web search: a good landing for IR discussions3.2 The "hypertext challenge"? 3.3 Search engines: performance and problems3.4 IR and relevance3.5 Relevance studies3.5.1 Anatomy of the concept3.5.2 Relevance assessment variation 3.5.3 System-oriented relevance ,3.5.4 User-oriented relevance3.5.5 System-oriented definitions of relevance3.6 Discussion and re-definitionChapter 4 Keyword extraction: methodology and practices4.1 KE: a good aid for IR4.2 What is "topic"? 4.3 KE review 4.3.1 Text segmentation and topic extraction……Chapter 5 ExperimentsChapter 6 Conclusions and further researchBibliographyAppendices
The English version is a nominal construction, whereas the Chinese version is obviously a verb construction. However, we suspect that this case is an exception, because the two versions do not semantically correspond exactly, and as a matter of fact "试析" ( "tentatively analyze" ) is used quite stereotypically in cases where the meaning of the title involves some " analytic" work, thus naturally having a greater likelihood of being used. The above examples may show how the same authors would represent their subject in two different languages, particularly in English and Chinese. To investigate people's response to titles of other authors, we also did an informal survey, in which a small number of graduate (Ph. D. and M. A.) students majoring in linguistics and applied linguistics, unaware of the purpose of our survey, were asked to give their Chinese translations for some selected article titles and book titles in English. (See the corresponding Appendix A for the questionnaire.) In this questionnaire, six of the original titles were verb phrases headed by a gerund; two were prepositional phrases headed by on or towards, and one title was a nominal phrase headed by "A holistic survey of..." (the same title as the example given a little earlier). The following table shows the categorical shifts during their translation. ……