张献臣,陈松林,张建安,王迈迈 著
王迈迈中学英语系列丛书是一套深受中学生喜爱的好书。这套丛书的作者都是中学英语教学教研一线的中坚力量,其中包括原湖北省教研室中学英语学科负责人陈松林先生、黄冈市英语教研员蒋辉明先生、宜昌市英语教研员徐启富先生、荆州市英语教研员王石林先生、孝慼市英语教研员左唯英先生、原黄冈中学英语特级教师扬方正先生等,另外还有一些外籍专家也为这套丛书的出版做出了巨大贡献。 一套中学英语系列丛书要想得到广大读者的认可,成为畅销品牌,首先要有一种全心全意为读者朋友服务的思想,急他们之所急,想他们之所想。其次,一流的作者队伍则是这套丛书走向成功的可靠保证。这些英语教学专家常年奋斗在中学英语教学、科研的第一线,既深知中学生英语学习的实际困难和实际需求,又有新的教学理念和教学方法,能引领中学英语教学改革的方向和潮流。有这样的指导思想,用这样的作者队伍,打造出一种高质量的畅销品牌应该是情理之中的事。
(上学期)Unit 1 Friendship听力目标背景知识知识点击应试策略听力训练(1)听力训练(2)Unit 2 English around the world听力目标背景知识知识点击应试策略听力训练(1)听力训练(2)Unit 3 Travel journal听力目标背景知识知识点击应试策略听力训练(1)听力训练(2)Unit 4 Earthquakes听力目标背景知识知识点击应试策略听力训练(1)听力训练(2)Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero听力目标背景知识知识点击应试策略听力训练(1)听力训练(2)(下学期)Unit 1 Cultural relics听力目标背景知识知识点击应试策略听力训练(1)听力训练(2)Unit 2 The Olympic games听力目标背景知识知识点击应试策略听力训练(1)听力训练(2)Unit 3 Computers听力目标背景知识知识点击应试策略听力训练(1)听力训练(2)Unit 4 Wildlife protection听力目标背景知识知识点击应试策略听力训练(1)听力训练(2)Unit 5 Music听力目标背景知识知识点击应试策略听力训练(1)听力训练(2)期中测试题期末测试题听力录音文字材料及参考答案
Some time ago,a friend of mine who worked in a part of the city I didnt know verywell, invited me to call on him. It took me hours to get there and I took great trouble to finda proper spot to park my car. As I was already three-quarters of an hour late, I parked mycar quickly. At noon,just as I was leaving my friends office,it suddenly struck me that 1 had no i-dea where I had parked my car. I could hardly go up to a policeman and tell him that I hadlost a small green car somewhere ! Walking down street "after street, I examined each carclosely and was very happy to see a small green car just behind an old car. But how disap-pointed I was to discover that though the car was exactly like my own,it belonged to some-one else ! Feeling quite tired now, I went off for lunch. Some time later, I left the restaurantand walked down the street. Turning the corner, I nearly jumped for joy : my car was right infront of me, and there was no problem this time. To tell the truth,driving in crowded cities is far from being a pleasure and it is mucheasier to walk than to drive.(18-20 BCA)
按最新大纲精神修订,与最新高考题型接轨。 《最新高1英语听力必备(全学年·人教新课标)(3盒磁带+1本书)》屡次押中高考题。 如果您使用过各种英语辅导资料,但成效不大,请您使用王迈迈英语系列丛书。王迈迈英语,畅销十年,风靡几代人。