《新课程背景下的英语TBL教学:普通高中英语任务型教学的研究》研究的基本内容是以任务(task)的设计、课堂师生通过交际确保任务的完成作为自变量;以学生在运用目标语(target language)的过程中,不仅学会英语语言知识、而且还学会英语语言的运用为因变量。该课题将重点围绕中国较发达地区高中学生的语言学习动机、兴趣和教师现行素质,开展对任务内容的设计和对师生在任务学习中所采取的态度和行动的研究,依据新的《国家英语课程标准》中所提出的为适应我国社会、经济、科学的发展,为国际交往做准备的要求,探索以人为本、以学生为中心等教育理念在英语教学中的具体操作这一难点问题的解决方法。
邱锋,浙江省杭州第十四中学校长,党,总支书记,英语特级教师,兼任中小学外语教学研究会浙江分会副会长、杭州市杰出青年协会副会长曾荣获杭州市优秀教师、市十大杰出青年、浙江省中小学师德楷模、第三届全国中小学外语教师园丁奖、全国优秀教师等荣誉称号。曾参与省重点课题“和谐教育”的研究工作,主持并完成了教育部“园丁工程”中小学英语骨干教师国家级培训课题“英语TBL教学的研究”实验一先后参与编写了外语教学与研究出版社出版的《新标准英语》(教师用书)等二十余部,并在《中小学外语教学》、《中小学教材教学》、《教学月刊》等刊物上发表论文十余篇。 孔慧敏,杭十四中英语高级教师,二十年来一直从事教学第-线工作。在教学中注重方法,教学效果显著她潜心研究英语教学,在《中小学外语教学》、《基础英语教育》、《教学月刊》等国家级、省级刊物共发表论文十余篇:先后有多篇论文分别获省、市论文一、二等奖:参与新课程教材建设、编写论著共十余册:参与国家重点电子出版物《多媒体教师手册》制作两部:参与人教社教具制作两册:自制教学课件多次在省、市获奖她热心公益教学活动.多次开设省、市级公开课,部分课例被制成光盘作为示范课进行推广先后被评为杭州市教坛新秀和杭州市教育系统优秀教师。
第一部分 高中英语TBL教学的研究研究一 关于TBL教学法的研究背景研究二 关于TBL教学法的研究综述研究三 TBL教学法的实施过程研究四 TBL教学法的实验效果研究五 TBL教学法的研究结论第二部分 高中英语TBL教学法的部分课例课例一 Topic:Unforgettable Experiences课例二 教师教学行为个案分析课例三 对一堂英语“任务型”公开课的案例分析课例四 “开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道”的任务型教学案例课例五 Topic:A Helping Hand课例六 任务型阅读课案例分析第三部分 任务型教学法的分析研究研究一 对TBL教学法的初探研究二 “任务型学习”在英语课堂教学中的运用初探研究三 高中英语新教材阅读课的教学策略研究四 运用行动研究法进行英语课堂教学研究研究五 高中英语课堂教学中的任务设计与实施的探索研究六 “任务”教学与“任务”评价的实践报告研究七 新课程理念下的英语课堂教学设计研究八 高中英语课的有效教学策略研究九 “反思性教学”在英语教学中的实践和探索研究十 高中英语小班化课堂教学的实践与思考
3. She was the first lady of the USA, standing behind her husband Bill Clinton to support him.(Hillary Cliton) 4. She was a famous, highly honored woman, whose first language was Chinese,wrote East Wind,West Wind as her first novel in 1925, which started her on a very suc- cessful writing career.(PearlS.Buck) 5. She was a famous,very highly honored woman who won the Nobel Prize twice, but in two different categories.(Madame Curie) 6. She was not recognized as a great poet until after her death in 1886. She was one of the most famous women poets ever.One of her poems begins:“I'm nobody!Whoare you?Are you nobody too?”(Emily Dickinson) 7 Who wrote Little Women?(Louisa May Alcott) 8. She was the first woman athlete to be paid more than $100,000 in a single year. ( Billie Jean King) 9.She founded the first nursing school.(Florence Nightingale) 10. This remarkable woman wrote The Miracle Worher and has had an international influence on the lives of the handicapped.(Helen Keller)Ask students questions: Are those above-mentioned women famous? above-mentioned women great? Conclusion: Not all great women are famous and not all famous women are great. ask: Group discussion. What quality should great women have?What makes them great? (This step is to let students know that great women should have the quality such ashonesty, responsibility and devotion so that they can learn the spirit.) Step 3Lead-in Task:Involve the information about Song Qingling from the students by providingstudents questions:What was she famous for?Then lead in the information about SongQingling, Madame Curie, Pearl S.Buck and Mother Teresa. (By asking some students to say something about the great women based on the in-formation they got from the Internet. Then give an introduction of the four great women;meanwhile show students some photos and videos to leave them a deep impression.) Song Qingling (1893-1981) was wife of Sun Yatsen, and one of the famous“Song sisters”. She has been described as one of China's outstanding women of the 20thcentury. After her husband's death in 1925, Song Qingling supported the Communist Party. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, she becamean important official with the new government. In 1981,she was named honorary chair-man of the People's Republic. Madame Curie(1867-1934)was born in Poland, moved to Paris and studiedchemistry and physics there. She married Pierre Curie and studied radioactive materialstogether. In 1898, they discovered polonium and radium in 1902. In 1904, theyreceived Nobel Prize for Physics. In 1911, Madame Curie received the second NobelPrize for Chemistry. Thus she became the first person in the world to receive two NobelPrizes.She died in Paris at the age of 56. Pearl S. Buck(1892-1973)was born in the USA. When she was three monthsold, she was taken to China. The family lived in Zhejiang, Jiangsu Provinces. From childhood Pearl spoke both English and Chinese. She returned to Chinashortly after graduation from university.In 1917,she married John Lossing Buck andmoved to Nanxuzhou in rural Anhui Province. In this impoverished community,PearlBuck gathered the material that she would later use in her stories of China.From 1920to1933,Pearl and Lossing made their home in Nanjing.In 1931,Pearl's second novelThe Good Earth was published, which made her win Nobel Prize in 1938. Mother Teresa(1910-1997)was born on August 27, 1910. When she was 12years old, she determined to have a vacation to help the poor and India. At the age of18, she went to India, where she took -her initial vows as a nun.In India, Mother Teresadevoted herself to caring those nobody was prepared to look after. Mother Teresa's workhas arisen considerable attention throughout the world. She received the Nobel PeacePrize in 1979. She died on September 5,1997. ……