

龚嵘 主编 华东理工大学出版社





龚嵘 主编  








本套丛书《典藏书屋——青春悦读/午后咖啡/睿智人生(MP3有声英文读物)》为你铺设了一条英语拉高新捷径,引导学习者在愉快阅读中系统、快速地积累词汇、背景知识,提高快速阅读技能。 本丛书内容新颖翔实,具有极强的知识性、史料性、时代性与可读性,结构编排注意词汇与语言点的阶梯式循环出现,帮助读者在阅读中不断巩固。  本书精选文章50篇,从都市原始男人到澳洲丛林文化从手相心理学到婚外情与同性恋,从办公室政治到跳槽,从“性趣广告”到过度包装,从网络骗局到师生恋,从“恐怖秀”到F1赛车,从定向运动到《老友记》……为你展示了一个精彩的语言文化万花筒。每篇文章还附有精心编排的内容点评、经典句型、速记生词、文化知识链接等内容使你进一步开拓语言文化视野,提高各领域的词汇知识。更重要的是它能帮你找回失落已久的阅读的乐趣!


Unit 1 Retrosexual Man 大都市的原始男人Unit 2 The Puritans Behind the Myths 面纱后的清教徒Unit 3 AustraIian Bush Culture 澳洲的丛林文化Unit 4 American Car Culture 美国汽车文化Unit 5 Black Cat and Superstition 黑猫与迷信Unit 6 Times Square 时报广场 Unit 7 ExtramaritaI Affai rs:What is the Allure?(I) 婚外情——何为诱惑?(1)Unit 8 Extramarital Affairs:What is the Allure?(II) 婚外情——何为诱惑?(2)Unit 9 Tips to Win Her Heart 妙招赢得她芳心Unit 10 Are Homosexuals Born That Way? 同性恋是天生的吗? Unit 11 Mozart Effect 莫扎特效应Unit 12 Palm Reading Psychology 手相心理学 Unit 13 Why Left-handers May Not See the Wood for the Trees? 为何左撇子易见木不见林? Unit 14 More Than lust the BIues! 岂止是郁闷! Unit 15 VirtuaI Cures for Real-world Phobia 现实恐惧症的虚拟疗法 Unit 16 Simple Techniques to Strengthen Your Memory Musc les 加强记忆的简易技巧 Unit 17 Rorschach lnkblot Test 罗夏墨迹测验Unit 18 Key to Happiness--Living in the Now 幸福人生的秘诀:活在现时现刻 Unit 19 Tumbling Toast and Murphy’s Law 打翻的吐司以及墨菲法则 Unit 20 EQ and Optimism 情商与乐观主义 Unit 21 Happy or Unhappy?It's Up to You 快不快乐由你做主 Unit 22 Office Politics Is Inescapable 无法逃避的办公室政治 Unit 23 Leadership Styles 领导艺术风格Unit 24 Job-hopping:Exercise with Caution 跳槽:小心行事Unit 25 Tips for Winning Career Games 职场决胜秘笈Unit 26 Cheating in Job-hunting 为求一职骗术用尽Unit 27 Free Agency 自由职业 Unit 28 Creativity in Group Work 团队中的创造性Unit 29 Gender Gap in Communication at Workplace 办公室交流中的性别差异Unit 30 Subhealth--A New Threat to Human Life 亚健康——人类生命的新杀手 Unit 31 Hair Dye DiIemmas 染发困境Unit 32 Marketing to Innocents 向年幼无知者行销 Unit 33 Europe’s Shoppers Get Weary of Sex in Advertising 欧洲购物者厌倦了广告中的“性趣”Unit 34 Say“No”to Over-packaging 对过度包装说“不”Unit 35 Urban Sprawl:Is It Inevitable? 都市扩张,必然的趋势?Unit 36 Consumption of Luxuries in China 奢侈品消费在中国 Unit 37 Asianization:The Influence of Asia on America 亚洲化:亚洲对美国的影响 Unit 38 Horror Show on the Internet 互联网上演恐怖秀Unit 39 Are You Safe from Online Crooks? 网上骗财,你防范了吗? Unit 40 Classroom--No Place For Romance 师生恋——灰色的浪漫Unit 41 What Special Roles Does Father Play? 父亲的特殊家庭作用? Unit 42 Home SchooIing:Pros and Cons 在家上学:赞成与反对Unit 43 Gadgets Rule on College Campuses 大学校园里的新式装备Unit 44 Social Impact of Hip Hop Music 嘻哈音乐的社会影响 Unit 45 Lifting the Lid on F1 掀开F1赛车的车盖Unit 46 Orienteering--a Charming Sport 定向运动——魅力十足Unit 47 Nike’s Success 耐克的成功之路Unit 48 Much Ado about Friends 沸沸扬扬《老友记》Unit 49 Bad Bag Habits 塑料袋恶习 Unit 50 Home Improved--to Save Money and the Planet 居家改良——既省钱又环保


  U nit 28 Creativity in Group Work  团队中的创造性  有史以来,富有创意和灵感的天才人物实在屈指可数。现代社会生活的精细分工要求大多数人在团队中发挥协作能力,同时也为不同专业的人才提供了思维火花碰撞的空间和契机。面对共同的任务和利益,怎样才能做到人尽其才和通力协作呢?团队动力正是一个值得研究和探讨的管理概念。而在没有创造性就没有进步的  科研领域和团队中,这也是不容忽视的一个问题。  Although a creative act may be stimulated by others,one human )rain must always synthesize facts or impressions.Much of the work lone in research laboratories,however,requires group effort,SO it 1akes sense to evaluate how colleagues improve or impede the zreativity of individuals.  Team members work more amicably when they bring unique backgrounds,capacities,or attitudes to the group.If WE reduce turf- consciousness(地盘意识)and promote a spirit of mutual assistance,the creativity of such a group can be unleashed.  The fabulous achievements of American scientists during World War II demonstrate that success also depends on group loyalty or cohesion. Because members recognized the goals as vital and energies were focused on clear objectives, egotism was suppressed. These groups were able to achieve in a few short years what otherwise would have taken much longer.  Groups also become more cohesive when they have the prospect of profiting from success. Industrial research laboratories have begun putting such concepts of group dynamics into practice. When developing a new product, they assemble a team and assign its cost, production and marketing goals. These teams may be highly interdisciplinary —— with scientists specializing, for example, in theory, materials, and process engineering. Sometimes marketing people are included. The team spirit that often develops nourishes imagination and creativity.  Another factor is the size of a research group. Although the optimum size depends on many things, five or six is often a good one. Such groups can communicate easily, and assuming members have diverse backgrounds, there is potential for mutual education and assistance. As the group gets bigger, friction increases, internal communication becomes tougher, and talkative people tend to dominate conversations.  Personal style is another factor in creativity. An enthusiastic team member is a blessing. Many of the most constructive events in this world have been helped by enthusiasts; not only do they achieve On their own, but their warmth also stimulates excitement and positive reactions in others. Dedicated pessimists are another matter. Even it their logic is impeccable, they are to be avoided for their ability to  smother creativity. Some people are natural-born loners, whose creativity can be stifled if forced into a group~~ If they can be creative without outside stimuli, theyd better be allowed to work that way. Unfortunately, the complexity of modern problems indicates the need for teamwork, not individual effort.  Although outside stimulation can promote creativity, theres such a thing as too much of a good thing. Creative people are often better left alone, immersed in problems for as long as a week at a stretch. Shorter periods and interruptions can reduce or destroy a researchers effectiveness. People with potential for significant creativity, in particular, should be sheltered from interruptions.  There is no simple formula to increase creativity in the R&D lab. Creativity is not something that can be tapped at will, and even geniuses are truly creative only a small fraction of the time. You must be sensitive to what stimulates creativity and what stifles it. You need to be concerned with individual style and the influence of colleagues and superiors.


  The birds have flown,we hear no more their clamour,But winterS angry winds not soon will start to Blow Upon the empty fields there pours the azure glow 0f skieS that have not lost the warmth of summer  空气沉静了,不再听见乌歌,但离冬天的风暴还很遥远——在休憩的土地上,流动着一片温暖而纯净的蔚蓝。





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首先说 这个系列的三本书我都一气呵成的买下了
这一本是难度系数最高的一本 就像是集成了很多的好文章而编辑而成的书籍
不像第二本 认真看的话 就能够感受到编辑们的辛苦和用心

这个系列不错 但是第二本是最有性价比的。



