Aspen Publishers
Soon, Willie Wei-Hock; Wei-Hock Soon, Willie; Yaskell, Steven H.
This book takes an excursion through solar science, science history, and geoclimate with a husband and wife team who revealed some of our sun's most stubborn secrets. E Walter and Annie S D Maunder's work helped in understanding our sun's chemical, electromagnetic and plasma properties. They knew the sun's sunspot migration patterns and its variable, climate-affecting, inactive and active states in short and long time frames. An inactive solar period starting in the mid-seventeenth century lasted approximately seventy years, one that E Walter Maunder worked hard to make us understand: the Maunder Minimum of c 1620–1720 (which was posthumously named for him). With ongoing concern over global warming, and the continuing failure to identify root causes driving earth's climatic changes, the Maunders' story outlines how our cyclical sun can alter climate. The book goes on to view the sun-earth connection in terms of geomagnetic variation and climatic change; contemporary views on the sun's operating mechanisms are explored, and the effects these have on the earth over long and short time scales are pondered. If not a call to widen earth's climate research to include the sun, this book strives to illustrate how solar causes and effects can influence earth's climate in ways we must understand in order to enhance solar system research and our well-being.
ForewordAcknowledgements1 A Sun Most Pure and Most Lucid2 Background of the Maunder Minimum3 The Maunder Minimum: Europe, Asia, North America (As Dated from c. A.D. 1620--A.D. 1650)4 The Maunder Minimum: Europe, Asia, North America (As Dated from c. A.D. 1650--A.D. 1720)5 Surveying the Maunder Minimum6 Maunder's Immediate Predecessors in Delineating Solar Structure and Behavior: Towards Understanding Solar Variability and Sun-Climate Connections7 Maunder's Early Life and Associations8 Maunder and the Connection of Sunspot Behavior and Geomagnetism: Resolving "the Fifty Years' Outstanding Difficulty"9 Studying Aurora... the Scandinavian and American Connection Tree Rings, Moisture and the Missing Sunspot Cycles10 The Family Maunder: The B.A.A. and Astronomy for All11 A Particle Theory for the Sun-Earth Connection12 Our Knowledge of the Sun and Its Variability Today13 Earth's Atmosphere and Its Story: A Perspective of Past Changes on the Present14 The Maunder Minimum and Modern Theories of the Sun's Cyclical Machinery15 Summary:Cyles of teh Sun and Theri Tie to Earth 16 The Maunders and Their Final StoryIndex of SourcesIndex