Pengiun Group (USA)
Abate, Andrea F.; Nappi, Michele; Sebillo, Monica
There is a strong need for advances in thefields of image indexing and retrieval andvisual query languages for multimediadatabases. Image technology is facingboth classical and novel problems for theorganization and filtering of increasinglylarge amount of pictorial data. Novel kindsof problems, such as indexing and high-level content-base, accessing to imagedatabases, human interaction withmultimedia systems, approaches tomultimedial data, biometrics, data mining,computer graphics and augmented reality,have grown into real-life issues.The papers in this proceedings volumerelate to the subject matter of multimediadatabases and image communication.They offer different approaches whichhelp to keep the field of research livelyand interesting.
PrefaceA Context-Aware Framework for Multimodal DocumentDatabases Augusto Celentano and Ombretta GaggiEndowing Geographic Information Systems with aCognitive Level Alessio De Simone, Ferrante Formato and Nicla PaUadinoA Simple Fuzzy Extension to the Search of Documents onthe Web Luidi Di Lascio, Enrico Fischetti, Antonio Gisolfi, Aniello Nappi and Antonio SantangeloDeveloping a System for the Retrieval of Melodies fromWeb Repositories Ricardo Distasi, Luca Paolino and Giuseppe ScannielloFast Face Recognition Using Fractal Range/Domain Classification Daniel RiccioA Method for 3D Face Recognition Stafano Ricciardi and GabrieleHigh-D Data Visualization Methods via Probabilistic PrincipalSurfaces for Data Mining Applications A. Staiano, R. Tagliaferri, L. De Vinco and G. LongoA Study on Recovering the Cloud-Top Height from Infra-RedVideo Sequences Anna Anzalone, Francesco Isgro and Domenico TegoloPowerful Tools for Data Mining: Fractals, Power Laws, SVDand More Christos FaloutsosAn Unsupervised Shot Classification System for News VideoStory Detection M. De Santo, G. PereanneUa, C. Sansone and M. Vento3D-TV - The Future of Visual Entertainment M. MagnorEntropy as a Feature in the Analysis and Classification of Signals Andrea Casanova and Sergio Vitulano