
Get Ready!商務英語溝通力

Michelle Witte 著 寂天



Michelle Witte 著  


  如果是,不論您是在商場、職場或是校園,《Get Ready!商務英語溝通力》都是您的最佳英語秘笈!  商務溝通與日常溝通的差別為何?為什麼商務溝通特別著重英語能力?  商務用語較一般生活用語正式且涉水專業,若溝通方式錯誤,可能會造成誤解,鬧出笑話,甚至丟了生意!因此,商務溝通技巧是商務人士必備的能力。除此,也要將所學到的技巧轉換成英語溝通,以進行有效且禮貌的互動,塑造專業形象,與國際化社會接軌。  《Get Ready!商務英語溝通力》涵括求職面試、電話禮儀、會議排程、社交用語、準備簡報演講、開會、閱讀和撰寫商業文件及書信和業務推廣等,共有10大主題,共57個單元,分別針對商務所需的溝通技巧進行全面訓練。每個單元具備會話(常用句)習題的架構,讓您循序漸進獲得完整且充足的練習。


  Michelle Witte,在從事專職的英語教學之前,是一位美國的寫作與溝通專家。畢業於馬里蘭大學(University of Maryland),並擁有英語教學的證照。作者在亞洲擁有豐富的成人英語教學經驗,曾任清華大學的語言學老師,並在多所大學教授商業英文與英語發音課程。


Part 1 Talking on the telephone 電話交談Unit 1 Basic business telephone etiquette 商務電話基本禮儀Unit 2 Taking calls and making calls 接電話和撥打電話Unit 3 Taking messages and transferring information 處理留言和轉述訊息Unit 4 Switchboard speaking 總機談話Unit 5 Dealing with communication difficulties 處理通訊作業的困擾Part 2 Making arrangements and appointments 做出安排和約定 Unit 6 Arranging a meeting 安排會議Unit 7 Arranging an appointment with a client, supervisor 和客戶或主管約見面Unit 8 Arranging a schedule 安排時程表Unit 9 Canceling or changing times 取消或變更時間Part 3 English for socializing 社交用英語Unit 10 First meetings 初次會面Unit 11 Talking about jobs 談論工作Unit 12 Talking about family 談論家庭Unit 13 Talking about interests and sports 談論興趣和運動Unit 14 Talking about vacations 談論假期Unit 15 Talking about health 談論健康狀況Unit 16 Inviting people to a dinner party or other activity邀人參加餐會或其他的活動Unit 17 Social phrases for dinner Parties 餐會的社交用語Part 4 Making a speech and presentation 致詞或做簡報Unit 18 Making preparations做準備Unit 19 Opening and introducing the topic開場白和介紹主旨Unit 20 Stating the points and linking the parts 陳述要點,並把各個部分串連起來Unit 21 Highlighting and emphasizing 強調和加強語氣Unit 22 Interacting with the audience/drawing attention 與聽眾互動 / 吸引他們的注意力Unit 23 Using visual aids and describing them 運用並描述視覺輔助工具Unit 24 Analyzing facts and trends 分析事實和趨勢Unit 25 Suggestions and conclusion 建議和結論Unit 26 Answering questions from the audience 回答聽眾們所提出的問題Part 5 Running a meeting 主持會議Unit 27 Opening a meeting 宣布開會Unit 28 Progressing and controlling the meeting 會議的進行和控制Unit 29 Asking for opinions; agreeing and disagreeing 詢問與會者的意見,看 看他們同不同意Unit 30 Interruptions 干擾 Unit 31 Asking questions 詢問問題Unit 32 Making decisions and closing a meeting 做出決定和結束會議Part 6 Negotiation and persuasion 談判和說服Unit 33 Making preparations 做好準備Unit 34 Opening and agreeing on the agenda開場白並在議程上取得協議Unit 35 Stating your purpose and position 陳述你的目的和立場Unit 36 Making and responding to proposals 提出議案並對議案做出回應Unit 37 Bargaining 討價還價Unit 38 Dealing with sticking points and conflict處理問題的癥結點和衝突Unit 39 Closing a negotiation結束談判Part 7 Sales and promoting銷售和推廣Unit 40 Talking about market and company strategy for a product 討論某產品的市場及公司策略Unit 41 Proposing and discussing a strategy for advertising 提出並討論廣告策略Unit 42 Planning a promotional campaign 規劃某促銷活動Unit 43 Describing and recommending services to customers 描述並推薦對顧客的服務Unit 44 Persuading your customer 說服顧客Part 8 Communicating and problem solving at work職場的工作溝通和解決問題Unit 45 Discussing a mistake made at work 討論工作上所犯的錯誤Unit 46 Discussing issues or problems for your work 討論工作方面的議題或問題Unit 47 Making complaints or criticisms 提出抱怨或批評Unit 48 Making requests or suggestions 提出要求或建議Unit 49 Dealing with complaints from customers 處理顧客的抱怨Part 9 Reading and writing business documents商業文件的閱讀與書寫 Unit 50 The Layout and structure of business letters 商業信件的組成成分和編排Unit 51 Expressions for business letters 商業信件的表達Unit 52 The layout and structure of business emails 商業電子郵件的編排和架構Unit 53 The layout and structure of reports報告的編排和架構Part 10 English for job hunting用英語求職Unit 54 Reading want ads 閱讀徵才廣告Unit 55 Writing a CV or resume撰述個人簡歷或履歷Unit 56 How to write a cover letter如何撰述求職信Unit 57 Interview and follow-up 面試和追蹤




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