馬修.魁克 Matthew Quick
馬修.魁克離開教職與費城地區之後,以六個月的時間沿著秘魯境內的亞馬遜河漂行、在南非四處自助旅行、健行到白雪皚皚的大峽谷谷底,探索自己的靈魂,最後開啟全職寫作的生涯。他在高達學院取得創意寫作碩士。目前已回到費城,跟妻子、兩人的靈堤犬一起住在當地。魁克還著有獲獎青少年小說《像個搖滾明星》(Sorta Like a Rock Star),與《Boy 21》。
看到现在,就是一个疯子每天健身想老婆,天天想着他的silver lining。也不明白他为什么就那么喜欢他之前的老婆。老婆还跟其他男人冲澡,被他抓了个现形。看到现在,女疯子还没有出现。然后你就想盖茨比,灯塔之类的。说来说去,人还是要找个念头。
最近看的几本书都是精神病自言自由类型的,我想我是越来越像疯子了。可是我长得没有Bradley Cooper那么帅啊。好难过。
I didn't particularly like the story or the writing for the most part of the book, so I just slowly read on. But when I reached the last few chapters, things began to heat up and every dot began to connect and everything that hadn't before started to make sense. I understood the author was laying bricks for a strong foundation, in order to release a climax that was so moving, emotional, and powerful. It is much harder to touch people's hearts with a happy ending than with a sad one, but this book totally does. Near the end, it made tears pool in my eyes several times.
Tiffany's last letter was such a wonderful reading experience. It provided so many huge revelations mixed with deep, heartfelt feelings in one serving. The part about Tommy's undeserved death and poor Tiffany's tragedy actually made me cry.
Plus, this book taught me never to judge a person easily, simply by what they say or do. Ever.
I also feel like the author didn't fully unleash his writing potential until I laid eyes on the letters Tiffany wrote as Nikki, which--I regret to say--was a little too late. But all in all, this is a great book to kill time with. What's more, it is filled with positive energy and it can really give you hope about life. It makes you want to start believing in silver linings~
"就是一个疯子每天健身想老婆,天天想着他的silver lining。"同还没看完的也这样觉得!!
虽然还没有看,不过我想意思是不管遇到多少暗淡人生的事物,都有一线希望。 所以没有什么好难过的!