美食編輯小組企劃 著
本書中詳細解說了常見蔬菜的營養保健成分,並提供正確烹調與訣竅 30道蔬菜美味食譜,囊括所有烹煮蔬菜應有的知識,實用的料理方法 是家庭必備的食譜保健書籍。
4 西蘭花 (綠花椰菜)? 白花椰菜主要保健功效/營養烹調祕訣Broccoli ? Cauliflower Health Benefits/Nutritional Facts and Cooking Tips5 甜豆西蘭花Stir-fried Sweet Peas and Broccoli6 西蘭花炒雙鮮 Stir-fried Broccoli with Seafood怎麼看花椰菜是不是新鮮?How to check the freshness of broccoli and cauliflower?8 莧菜主要保健功效/營養烹調祕訣 Chinese Amaranth (Yin Choy) Health Benefits/Nutritional Facts and Cooking Tips吻仔魚莧菜Yin Choy with White Baits9 金銀蛋莧菜Yin Choy with Century Egg and Salted Egg10 菠菜主要保健功效/營養烹調祕訣 Spinach Health Benefits/Nutritional Facts and Cooking Tips11 菠菜丸子湯Spinach and Prawn Balls Soup12 炒木須肉Muxu Pork炒菜好吃—鍋氣很重要!Tips to a good stir-fry dish.14 芥蘭主要保健功效/營養烹調祕訣 Kailan Health Benefits/Nutritional Facts and Cooking Tips15 芥蘭炒肉Stir-fried Pork with Kailan16 空心菜? 菜心? 青江菜主要保健功效/營養烹調祕訣Kangkong ? Choy Sum?Shanghai Green Health Benefits/Nutritional Facts and Cooking Tips17 番薯葉? 油麥菜? 芥菜主要保健功效/營養烹調祕訣Sweet Potato Leaves ? Leaf Lettuce ? Mustard Green Health Benefits/Nutritional Facts and Cooking Tips18 巴拉煎炒空心菜Kangkong Belacan19 青菜拌肉燥Green Leafy Vegetables with Braised Minced Pork20 大白菜? 高麗菜主要保健功效/營養烹調祕訣Chinese Cabbage ? Cabbage Health Benefits/Nutritional Facts and Cooking Tips21 蝦米炒大白菜Chinese Cabbage with Dried Shrimps22 香菇大白菜燒麵筋Braised Chinese Cabbage with Mushrooms and Wheat Gluten Balls大白菜先洗後切,防止營養流失!Wash Chinese cabbage before cutting to prevent nutrients loss.24 咖哩雜菜Mixed Vegetables Curry高麗菜湯汁含豐富維生素C,千萬別浪費!Drink up the goodness of nutrients in cabbage soups and gravies.26 芋頭? 蓮藕? 山藥主要保健功效/營養烹調祕訣Yam ? Lotus Root ? Chinese Yam Health Benefits/Nutritional Facts and Cooking Tips27 蓮藕章魚豬肉湯Lotus Root Soup with Dried Octopus and Pork28 香芋魚頭煲Claypot Fish Head with Yam燜煮芋頭要注意的事!How do you cook yam so that it does not turn mushy?30 山藥花菇鳳爪湯Chinese Yam Soup with Mushrooms and Chicken Feet處理山藥的基本要領!What should you take note of when preparing Chinese yam?32 白蘿蔔主要保健功效/營養烹調祕訣Radish Health Benefits/Nutritional Facts and Cooking Tips33 白蘿蔔燜魚膠Braised Radish and Fish Paste34 蘆筍主要保健功效/營養烹調祕訣 Asparagus Health Benefits/Nutritional Facts and Cooking Tips35 蘆筍炒蝦仁Stir-fried Asparagus and Prawns36 馬鈴薯主要保健功效/營養烹調祕訣Potato Health Benefits/Nutritional Facts and Cooking Tips絞肉馬鈴薯Potato with Minced Pork37 馬鈴薯洋蔥湯 Potato Onion Soup38 黃瓜? 冬瓜? 絲瓜主要保健功效/營養烹調祕訣 Cucumber ? Winter Melon ? Loofah Health Benefits/Nutritional Facts and Cooking Tips39 蛤蜊絲瓜粥 Clams and Loofah Porridge40 雙耳煮絲瓜Loofah with Black and White Fungus絲瓜色澤翠綠的祕訣! How do you cook loofah so that it stays green and does not turn mushy?42 釀節瓜Stuffed Hairly Gourd還有哪些食材適合用來釀肉?What other kinds of vegetables may be used for this dish?44 苦瓜主要保健功效/營養烹調祕訣 Bitter Gourd Health Benefits/Nutritional Facts and Cooking Tips涼拌五味苦瓜 Cold Bitter Gourd with Five-flavours Sauce45 江魚仔參巴醬燜苦瓜Bitter Gourd with Ikan Bilis Sambal46 南瓜主要保健功效/營養烹調祕訣 Pumpkin Health Benefits/Nutritional Facts and Cooking Tips47 蝦米南瓜Pumpkin with Dried Shrimps48 菇菌主要保健功效/營養烹調祕訣 Fungi Health Benefits/Nutritional Facts and Cooking Tips49 什錦炒菇菌 Stir-fried Assorted Mushrooms50 金針菇牛肉捲Beef Rolls with Enoki Mushrooms切牛肉有技巧! How to cut beef for the best texture?52 四季豆? 豌豆? 長豆? 秋葵主要保健功效/營養烹調祕訣French Bean ? Pea ? Long Bean ? Lady’s Finger Health Benefits/Nutritional Facts and Cooking Tips53 辣蝦米秋葵 Stir-fried Lady’s Finger with Spicy Dried Shrimp55 四季豆燒粉絲Braised French Beans with Tung Hoon泡粉絲要用冷水或溫水? Do you soak tung hoon in cold or warm water?57 四季豆魚麵Noodles with French Beans and Fish去除粗筋功夫不可省!Be sure to trim away the tough fibers.58 茄子? 甜椒? 番茄主要保健功效/營養烹調祕訣 Eggplant ? Capsicum ? Tomato Health Benefits/Nutritional Facts and Cooking Tips59 蔬菜天婦羅 Vegetable Tempura