以dirty诗句缅怀纯真欢愉,以《恶之华》式的蓊郁耽美,纪念我们早已掏空的内里,经过数本绝版诗集《关于马戏与匕首风格》、《慢行并且劳动我的症候群》、《Send in the clowns》、《打扰了》,翰翰终于推出最新诗选集《恶露》,收录新诗、修订诗作共四十首,佐以英文对译,点燃诗文阅读/误读的引信。 《恶露》取自佛教泛指的不净体液,亦是女性产后由阴道排出的混浊瘀血、坏死子宫内膜等黏液。孕育诗意的过程中,翰翰站在污水里,从败德、自毁、色情、忧郁等诸多恶露,提炼出纯粹dirty的炯诫与诳语,只因有什么比这世界邪恶的总量,更值得书写? 翰翰的语言充满大雨围城的涤荡气味,想把体内的雨水湿透外面/治疗自己对这个世界的忧郁。他频频回首顾盼爱与不被爱之间的微妙拉扯,以各式意象描述一段感情的变形、流动、易位,也深刻描写不被爱的人,在心里反覆操演的仪式性自伤,以及惨遭掏空殆尽却又无法停止期待爱情的心境。
(1) 甜的羅漢或是醜惡的流域The Sweetness in Bachelors or the Ugly Watershed羅漢腳Lo-hen-karBleu Pour Bleu連接詞Linking Words我們的雙腳泡在汙水裡Both of Our Feet are Dipped in the Foul Water滿載的去了遠方,而港灣留下The Fully Loaded Has Gone Far Away, and the Bay Remains Here雨後一群鴿子,這樣又那樣After Rain, a Troupe of Pigeons Fly by To and Fro—like This and That亂神Disorderly Spirits一旦知道漂浮Once If Knowing the Feeling of Floating你微弱得像是不得不盲啞尋覓的三兩蟬聲You’re So Fragile as the Slender Rustle of Cicadas That Helplessly Fumble in Their Blindness and Dumbness哥布林Goblin7(2) 提醒我們殺人的時間Reminding Us of the Time to Kill困頓而令人生疑的字眼The Strenuous yet Suspicious Diction愛司令II Crush on Commander II少女a Young Girl A拆線Tearing Threads Apart牙醫Dentist刺的連作A Set of Poignant Poems得罪了Sorry to Offense(3) 他一定也是童子軍He Must be Also a Boyscout Too單單Simply當灰燼濕透When Ashes Get Completely Wet得體Proper Behaviors雲端運算Cloud Computing你有甚麼意見What is Your Opinion?得罪了2--徵友欄Sorry to Offend (II)—Column for Making Friendship隨煩惱As Troubles Please他們孤單的時候When they are lonely尋隱者不遇A Recluse that is Missed Out during the Visit鼾聲Snore(4) 而我是離朝的皇帝And I am a King Who Dismisses Court武松Wu Song關於馬戲與匕首風格Concerning Styles of Circus Show and Dagger答應Respond雨圍城The Rain Besieges Our City摺好了線,把邊一併縫好The Lines are Shown after Folding; by the Way, the Sides are Sewn Up So Well涉及濫情但婉拒詆毀It Relates to the Excessive Emotions but I Decline Defamation with Great Courtesy放下西涼沒人管Leaving the Western Liang Ungoverned Dedicated to Chien-chih像引信一樣走著Wandering like a Fuse落日疲軟,然後再也不需要幸福。When the Fallen Sun is Tired and Softened, Happiness is Needed Not Anymore彎曲Bent(5) 閒展那把躺椅,但一無所為Idly Stretching that Reclining Chair and Doing Nothing樂遊原The Plateau of Pleasure無恙Everything is O.K我想我沒有辦法這樣I Don’t Think I Can Do It Like This體內疲憊睡著了,華麗的廢墟The Splendid Ruins—that Fall Asleep in My Tired Body故事是怎麼說的How is the Story Told?鳥松Niaosong那就先這樣A Shallow Afternoon我比你,更適合秋天作愛。It Suits Me Better than You to Make Love in the Autumn秘密修行Mystic Practice來回的幾個喘氣Several Fits of Pant after Running To and Fro整個早上讀詩的訛誤 The Error of Reading Poetry in the Entire Morning