Little Odyssey
[法] Antonin Kennel,[法] Vincent Assante Di Cupillo,[法] Gilles Baudry,许志锋
To bridge the gap between us. To penetrate the unintelligible moment when two people's eyes meet. Photography captures instants of eternity. Throughout time and space and across cultures, it often speaks to us more powerfully than any words.
The game we're playing here has been known around the world for many years, though most people play with words. After choosing a word to begin with, the last syllable of the first word becomes the first syllable of the next word. Words relate to one another, thus creating a cycle.
The ‘Dialogue’ project is based on this concept, replacing words with photographs. Each photograph relates to each other, resonates with each other, creating a cycle with neither beginning nor end. The result is a dialogue free of sound, not only between the two photographers but also between them and their audience.
Since the principle behind the series comes from a game, we also tried to make it fun. And as we've enjoyed taking these photographs, sharing our work and building this series, we hope our audience enjoys them as well.
Antonin Kennel and Vincent Assante Di Cupillo have known each other and collaborated together for many years. Through this ongoing exchange of ideas and inspiration, they developed this “collaborative” approach to photography and exhibiting.
'Dialogue’ can be seen as the taking of this creative process a step further, as the quintessence or harvest of their photographic exchange. Words no longer have a place here, photographs being the only means of communication. And though at times it may be difficult to gauge the relationships between the images, as when reading Lewis Carroll's celebrated poem “Jabberwocky”, let your imagination gain the upper hand.
让我们走得更近些;让我们读懂眼神交汇时彼此的不解; 摄影捕捉瞬间的永恒;穿越时空与文化的阻隔,图像的力量,超越了文字。
Antonin Kennel 和 Vincent Assante Di Cupillo 相识多年, 也合作多年 在不断的思想与灵感的碰撞中,他们开始用他们特有的“合作”方式摄像并举办摄影展。
“对话”正是这种“合作”的进一步发展,是思想的丰收,更是交流的升华。文字在这里不再有用,图像才是交流唯一的载体。也许有时这些影像间的联系并不是那么容易寻获,那么就象读 Lewis Carroll 的诗歌 《无意义的文字游戏》(Jabberwocky)一样,让你的想像力驰骈吧。
Antonin Kennel 安东尼
Vincent Assante Di Cupillo 李凡
Gilles Baudry
诗人,Landevennec地区Saint-Guenole修道院的本笃会修士。他在1985年凭诗歌作品 Il a neige tant de silence 获得Antonin Artaud诗歌奖。先已有十余部作品在Editions Rougerie出版社出版。1948年出生于Loire-Atlantique省的Saint Philbert de Grand-Lieu市。
Xu Zhifeng 许志锋
1. 梦想到彼岸
2. 寂静的回声
3. 不成文
4. 清风拂过我儿时的面孔