《无界(英文版)》主要内容简介:"All Phenomena" have theirown realms, while "Reality" isof non-self.'All Phenomena" here refer tophenomenon and being; and "Reality"indicates essence and truth. The formerare concrete while the latter is abstract.And as for hotel. Its buildings are concretewhile the culture and conception behind itare invisible and intangible.They symbiotically interactwith each other;'All Phenomena" and "Reality" are thecombination of being and truth; all are ofform while of emptiness. And as for hotel.ttotel's construction and architecture areof from because of geographical restrictionwhile its design conception given bydesigner knows no bounds and limitationsBeing bounded yet unbounded."Reality" and "All Phenomena" alsomean the being and phenomenon carriedby the essence, which are abstractlyunbounded while their presenting thingsare concretely bounded. And as for hotel.The culture and conception behind thehotel are not visible and intangible but thevisual image carried by the constructionand architecture is.