Macmillan UK
维达沙宣(Vidal Sassoon)
The most famous hairdresser in the world tells his fascinating life story
Vidal Sassoon's extraordinary life has taken him from an impoverished childhood to global fame as the father of modern hairdressing, whose slick sharp cutting took the fashion world by storm. His memoir begins with surprising and often moving stories of his early life—his time at the Spanish & Portuguese Jewish Orphanage in Maida Vale, fighting fascists in London's East End, and fighting in the army of the fledgling state of Israel in the late 1940s. He then discusses his extraordinary career, during which he cut the hair of everyone who was anyone—including Mary Quant, Grace Coddington, Twiggy, Rita Hayworth, and Mia Farrow; launched salons all over the world; founded the hairdressing school that still bears his name; and became a global brand. He also shares the passions that drive him—architecture and beautiful women, Israel and anti-Semitism, family ties and season tickets at Chelsea. The compelling memoir of a genuine fashion icon who reinvented the art of hairdressing.
在60年代初試啼聲便驚艷時尚界,創造經典髮型「鮑伯頭」(Bob Head),維達‧沙宣(Vidal Sassoon)以他嫻熟俐落的剪髮技術和領先流行的髮型設計席捲時尚界。他的童年在英國麥達維爾的猶太孤兒院度過貧苦的艱困日子,長大後加入英國當地一個反法西斯主義的民兵部隊,然後在1940年後期,以阿戰爭之時加入剛建國的以色列軍隊。之後他走向與先前經歷完全不同的方向:美髮時尚產業,更在日後成為國際知名的美髮大師。他的客戶包括60年代時尚指標設計師瑪莉官(Mary Quant)和美國版VOGUE創意總監葛蕾絲‧柯丁頓(Grace Coddington)。他設計的髮型讓許多無名小卒翻紅成炙手可熱的國際巨星,包括全世界第一位超級模特兒Twiggy、性感女星麗塔‧海華斯(Rita Hayworth)和資深好萊塢女星米亞‧法蘿(Mia Farrow)。他創立同名品牌沙宣(Vidal Sassoon),在世界各地設立美髮沙龍,還在英國、美國、加拿大、德國和中國開辦美髮學院,為時尚美髮界培育明日之星!
Vidal Sassoon was born in London in 1928. He began his hairdressing career as an apprentice during the Second World War. Today, his name is still associated with the salons and the hairdressing schools he founded in the 1960s. He lives in London and Beverly Hills and in 2009 he was made a CBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours.
維達‧沙宣(Vidal Sassoon),世界知名的時尚美髮大師,於1928年出生於倫敦。在二戰期間,他從髮廊學徒開始,漸漸開創他的時尚美髮事業。他在世界各地開設美髮沙龍和美髮學院,並在2009年的英國女王壽辰上獲頒騎士勳章(CBE)。