名犬大全The Howell Book of Dogs
John Wiley & Sons Inc
Liz Palika
The Howell Book of Dogs is a hardcover, four-color book that will serve as a timeless and authoritative reference for dog owners and those who are considering getting a dog. Approximately 300 breeds and varieties are covered, encompassing AKC breeds, UKC breeds, and many rare breeds,such as the Eurasier, Jagd Terrier, Mi Ki, and Thai Ridgeback. One or more color photos of each breed will supplement text that describes the breed’s origins, physical characteristics, and personality traits. In addition, the book includes an informativesection about dog care and training, making it the only reference book dog owners will ever need.
Liz Palika has written more than fifty books and has won two prestigious Maxwell Awards from the Dog Writers Association of America. Her work has been published in Newsweek, Dog World, Dog Fancy, the AKC Gazette, and other magazines.
Introduction. PART I: LIVING WITH DOGS. Chapter 1: A Dog for You and Your Family. The Realities of Dog Ownership. Dogs Come in All Sizes, Shapes, and Temperaments. Finding a Puppy (or Dog). Chapter 2: Bringing Your New Friend Home. Before Your New Dog Comes Home. Get Everything Ready. Bring Him Home! Socialization. Chapter 3: Living with Your Dog. Living with a Dog. Establishing Household Rules. You Are Your Dog's Leader. Your New Dog and Your Kids. Your New Dog and Other Pets. Making Time for Play. Chapter 4: Keeping Your Dog Healthy. Choosing a Veterinarian. Canine Diseases and Vaccinations. Internal Parasites. Spaying, Neutering, and Breeding. Basic Home Health Care. When to Call the Veterinarian. Emergency First Aid. A First-Aid Kit for Your Dog. Disaster Planning. Chapter 5: Grooming Your Dog. Caring for the Coat. A Daily Massage. Keeping Eyes, Ears, and Teeth Clean and Toenails Trimmed. Combating Fleas, Ticks, and Mites. Grooming Basics. Professional Grooming. Chapter 6: Training for Life. Canine Communication. Training Tools and Techniques. Teaching the Basic Commands. Using These Commands. Have Fun as You Continue Training. Chapter 7: Preventing and Solving Problems. What Can You Do? Specific Problems. When You Need Professional Help. Chapter 8: Responsible Dog Ownership (and the Law). Leashing Your Dog. Keeping Your Dog Safe. Protecting Dogs in Vehicles. The Wastes Dogs Leave Behind. When Dogs Bark (and Bark and Bark). When Dogs Bite. Breed-Specific Legislation. PART II: BREED PROFILES. A. Affenpinscher. Afghan Hound. Airedale Terrier. Akbash Dog. Akita. Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog. Alaskan Klee Kai. Alaskan Malamute. American Bulldog. American Eskimo Dog. American Foxhound. American Hairless Terrier. American Pit Bull Terrier. American Staffordshire Terrier. American Water Spaniel. Anatolian Shepherd Dog. Appenzeller Sennenhunde. Australian Cattle Dog. Australian Kelpie. Australian Shepherd. Australian Terrier. Azawakh. B. Basenji. Basset Hound. Beagle. Bearded Collie. Beauceron. Bedlington Terrier. Belgian Laekenois. Belgian Malinois. Belgian Sheepdog. Belgian Tervuren. Bergamasco Sheepdog. Berger des Pyrenees. Berger Picard. Bernese Mountain Dog. Bichon Frise. Black Mouth Cur. Black Russian Terrier. Black and Tan Coonhound. Bloodhound. Bolognese. Border Collie. Border Terrier. Borzoi. Boston Terrier. Bouvier des Flandres. Boxer. Boykin Spaniel. Bracco Italiano. Briard. Brittany. Brussels Griffon. Bulldog. Bullmastiff. Bull Terrier. C. Cairn Terrier. Canaan Dog. Canadian Eskimo Dog. Cane Corso. Cardigan Welsh Corgi. Carolina Dog. Caucasian Ovtcharka. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Chart Polski. Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Chihuahua. Chinese Crested. Chinese Foo Dog. Chinese Shar-Pei. Chinook. Chow Chow. Clumber Spaniel. Cockapoo. Cocker Spaniel. Collie. Coonhound. Coton de Tulear. Curly-Coated Retriever. D. Dachshund. Dalmatian. Designer Dogs. Doberman Pinscher. Dogo Argentino. Dogo Canario. Dogue de Bordeaux. Dutch Shepherd. E. English Cocker Spaniel. English Foxhound. English Setter. English Shepherd. English Springer Spaniel. English Toy Spaniel. Entlebucher Sennenhund. Eurasier. F. Field Spaniel. Fila Brasileiro. Finnish Spitz. Flat-Coated Retriever. Fox Terrier (Smooth). Fox Terrier (Toy). Fox Terrier (Wire). French Bulldog. G. German Pinscher. German Shepherd Dog. German Shorthaired Pointer. German Wirehaired Pointer. Giant Schnauzer. Golden Retriever. Gordon Setter. Great Dane. Great Pyrenees. Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. Greyhound. H. Harrier. Havanese. Hovawart. I. Ibizan Hound. Icelandic Sheepdog. Irish Red and White Setter. Irish Setter. Irish Terrier. Irish Water Spaniel. Irish Wolfhound. Italian Greyhound. J. Jack Russell Terrier. Jagd Terrier. Japanese Chin. K. Kai Ken. Kangal Dog. Karelian Bear Dog. Keeshond. Kerry Blue Terrier. Komondor. Kuvasz. L. Labradoodle. Labrador Retriever. Lakeland Terrier. Large Munsterlander. Leonberger. Lhasa Apso. Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog. M. Maltese. Manchester Terrier. Mastiff. Mi-Ki. Miniature Australian Shepherd. Miniature Bull Terrier. Miniature Pinscher. Miniature Schnauzer. Mixed-Breed Dog. N. Neapolitan Mastiff. Newfoundland. Norrbottenspets. Norwegian Elkhound. Norwegian Lundehund. Norwich and Norfolk Terriers. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. O. Old English Sheepdog. Otterhound. P. Papillon. Parson Russell Terrier. Patterdale Terrier. Pekingese. Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Peruvian Inca Orchid. Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen. Pharaoh Hound. Pointer. Polish Tatra Sheepdog. Pomeranian. Poodle (Toy). Poodle (Miniature). Poodle (Standard). Portuguese Podengo. Portuguese Pointer. Portuguese Water Dog. Pudelpointer. Pug. Puli. Pumi. Pyrenean Mastiff. R. Rat Terrier. Rhodesian Ridgeback. Rottweiler. S. Saint Bernard. Saluki. Samoyed. Schapendoes. Schipperke. Scottish Deerhound. Scottish Terrier. Sealyham Terrier. Shetland Sheepdog. Shiba Inu. Shih Tzu. Shiloh Shepherd. Siberian Husky. Silken Windhound. Silky Terrier. Small Munsterlander Pointer. Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. South African Boerboel. Spanish Greyhound. Spanish Mastiff. Spanish Water Dog. Spinone Italiano. Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Standard Schnauzer. Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog. Swedish Vallhund. T. Thai Ridgeback. Tibetan Mastiff. Tibetan Spaniel. Tibetan Terrier. Tosa Ken. V. Vizsla. W. Weimaraner. Welsh Springer Spaniel. Welsh Terrier. West Highland White Terrier. Whippet. White German Shepherd Dog. Wirehaired Pointing Griffon. Wirehaired Vizsla. X. Xoloitzcuintli. Y. Yorkshire Terrier.
This comprehensive resource profiles approximately 300 dog breeds and varieties, describing their origins, physical characteristics, and personality traits. Authoritative yet easy to understand, The Howell Book of Dogs: Covers AKC breeds, UKC breeds, and rare breeds Includes designer dogs such as Labradoodles and Puggles Features a color photo of each breed Contains detailed, breed-specific information on grooming and exercise requirements, common health concerns, average life span, and more Complete with up-to-date information on dog care and training, this is the ideal reference for dog owners and prospective dog owners.
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