

Read, Cedric John Wiley & Sons Inc



John Wiley & Sons Inc  


Read, Cedric  




"My agenda for the future: Beating the competition on a sustainable basis, beating shareholder performance expectations Looking at the broader risk picture, from the sheer weight of regulation to the best possible growth environment Continuing to take out cost, looking again at outsourcing and opportunities for off-shoring." Developing and retaining the very best talent —Nick Rose, CFO, Diageo At a time when business horizons are broadening, regulatory pressures threaten to seriously impede-or even stifle-corporate growth. A timely strategic guide to the rapidly changing world of CFOs and their finance functions, this book explores the opportunities for:   Leveraging the benefits of risk and regulation   Balancing centralized control with frontline creativity   Managing the value of intangibles-customers, brands, R&D   Forging new support disciplines for decision making and global services   Developing finance capabilities and skills for innovative business partnering   Raising the bar for standards of corporate behavior, responsibility, and sustainability   Creating Value in a Regulated World is built around richly informative interviews with senior finance executives at more than 40 of the world's best-run companies, from GE and Proctor & Gamble in North America to Diageo and BP in Europe. Through their detailed descriptions of strategies and best practice, you’ll gain firsthand insight into how global leaders are responding to the biggest, most challenging issues on the finance agenda.   作者简介:Cedric Read currently leads his own consultancy, CCR Partners Ltd, providing specialized consulting advice to CFOs in leading companies. CCR partners maintains a worldwide network of CFOs, known as the Value Network Initiative (VNI). VNI members meet regularly in London, Frankfurt, and New York to share best practice in the finance function.


1 Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s AspirationToday’s Aspirations Riding the two-headed monster Getting “back in the saddle” Coping with governance and reporting Creating value and growth Shaping the new agenda Straight from the CFO 2 Reshaping Finance Centralization: where to draw the line? The quest for standardization The new fi nancial management model Process optimization and reporting Streamlining corporate structure Lessons from private equity Straight from the CFO 3 Making Change Happen Change, in a hurry Champions of change Transforming the public sector Pulling all change levers From CFO to COO Talent for the future Straight from the CFO 4 Releasing Intangible Value Execution not valuation The goodwill dilemma Value centers Managing intellectual property Selecting valuation techniques Brands: the missing half of the balance sheet! Treating customers as assets Value tiering Moving from back offi ce to the front Structural and human capital Straight from the CFO 5 Driving Growth and Innovation Sustainable advantage Decision support takes center stage New ways of working In-market innovation From the outside, in Innovation centers: a “win–win” Straight from the CFO 6 Looking Forward, Not Backward Expect the unexpected Closing the strategy gap in pharmaceuticals Optimizing value through integration Rolling forecasts Monitoring reality Connecting the dots through systems Straight from the CFO 7 Innovative Business Partnering Finance of the future Working in partnership Effective investment in brands Decision making under uncertainty Finance and innovation Dynamic performance management The finance academy Conclusion Straight from the CFO 8 Promoting Global Connectivity Building global partnerships Integrating shared services by region Creating a worldwide center Seamless support: near-shore or off-shore? Connectivity through technology Straight from the CFO 9 Leveraging Risk and Regulation The misery of regulation Leveraging Sarbanes-Oxley Multiple listings, multiple standards Implementation overload The case for dual accounting Enterprise-wide risk management The role of Chief Risk Offi cer (CRO) Straight from the CFO 10 Becoming a Sustainable Corporation Case for corporate responsibility Investor perspective Ethics and value creation A multi-stakeholder approach Best practices: corporate reporting Triple bottom line Reality check Becoming the good corporation! Straight from the CFO Index




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