

Wood, Wally John Wiley & Sons Inc



John Wiley & Sons Inc  


Wood, Wally  




With real case studies and step-by-step guidance, The Relationship Edge in Business shows you how to:   Develop the right mindset–understand that personal relationships are vital to business success   Ask the right questions—discover the common ground you share with others   Do the right thing—be truthful and straightforward or you’ll undermine the goodwill you’ve worked so hard to build


ForewordAcknowledgmentsChapter 1: CLIMBING THE RELATIONSHIP PYRAMID Building Relationships Is a Skill Payback Time in Memphis Relationships Can Trump Price Four Fundamental Selling Truths Meaningful Dialogue Comes with Trust Climbing the Relationship Pyramid You Need Knowledge, Integrity, Actions Key Points about the PyramidChapter 2: WHAT STRONG RELATIONSHIPS REQUIRE Three Steps to Building a Positive Relationship Make Self-Fulfilling Prophecies Positive Think Well of Others (Even the Jerks) Implement the Process Completely Learn Strategies, Not Tactics Set Yourself Apart Do Unexpected, Unselfish Actions Building a Relationship Takes Time Decide Who’s Key, Then Do SomethingChapter 3: TWENTY QUESTIONS Start with a Self-Check Sharing Creates the Relationship Learn What Someone Treasures Thirteen Facts about Human Beings Let the Other Person Talk Sell by Not Selling Start with These 20 Questions Memorize the Questions, but Think FORM Tell Me Something That Will Surprise Me Respect Their Time and Opinions Plan What You Will AskChapter 4: GOOD QUESTIONS PROMOTE MEANINGFUL DIALOGUE Motives Matter Setting up a Good Question Analyze the Bridge to the Question Preface Your Question Ask Personal Questions First Hold up a Book Don’t Suggest an Answer Learn What Someone Treasures Make Them Think Stimulate Real Thinking Ways to Gain RespectChapter 5: IT’S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALLChapter 6: IT’S NOT WHAT YOU KNOW; IT’S WHAT YOU DOChapter 7: INTERACTS WELL WITH OTHERSChapter 8: DECIDE ON YOUR GOALSChapter 9: AND WHAT IF YOU’RE THE BOSS? Chapter 10: MAINTAINING MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPSNotesIndex




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