

Hargrove, Robert John Wiley & Sons Inc



John Wiley & Sons Inc  


Hargrove, Robert  






In this thoroughly updated edition of his classic book, Hargrove introduces you to Masterful Coaching, the method, Hargrove draws on his in-depth experience of coaching leaders at all levels gained since writing the first edition. The book provides guiding ideas, tools, and methods that will empower you on your own journey to Masterful Coaching. You will learn to empower people to transform who they are as leaders and at the same time their ability to produce results that were previously considered impossible by applying triple loop learning. This is about ripping the blinders off so that people see that who they are, the goals they set, and the plans they make, and actions they take are often part of historical winning strategies that are the source of their past success but that limit them from achieving what's possible or playing a much bigger game. 作者简介: Robert Hargrove is the founder of Masterful Coaching Inc . He is an internationally-acclaimed speaker on the topics of sourcing a powerful future, mastering the art of creative collaboration, and masterful coaching. Hargrove's presentations, laced with wisdom, compassion, and humor, are the backbone of the executive coaching programs he provides for executives from such companies as Fidelity Investments, Adidas, and Ciba Geigy, Conoco, Philips Electronics, Lockheed Martin, Microcell Communications.


LIST OF DIAGRAMS INTRODUCTION: COACHING IS HOT! PART Ⅰ: TRANSFORMING INDIVIDUALS 1 THE JOURNEY:WHAT IS MASTERFUL COACHING? A Journey, Not a Destination The Five Compass Points of Masterful Coaching: Mapping the Territory 2 BECOMING A MASTERFUL COACH: A COACH IS SOMETHING THAT YOU "BE" Part One: It's Who You Are Being, Not Just Technique Part Two: Masterful Coaching Is a Matter of Distinction A Seven-Step Methodology for Calling Yourself Forth as a Masterful Coach 3 COACHING HAPPENS IN CONVERSATIONS: THE POWER OF CONVERSATION Coaching Conversations Are Special Conversations in Our Culture A Seven-Cap Coaching Conversation System A Success Formula for Powerful Coaching Conversations 4 MASTERFUL COACHING IS TRANSFORMATIONAL:TRIPLE LOOP LEARNING Transformational Learning: Life as a Narrative Coaching Leaders-Triple Loop Learning Mastering the Definitions and Distinctions of Triple Loop Learning Rut Stories and River Stories The Myth of Icarus 5 COACHING EXECUTIVES AND LEADERS AT ALL LEVELS: A POWERFUL, STEP-BY-STEP MODEL Take 'Em Out and Shoot 'Em Masterful Coaching for Leaders-The Method PART Ⅱ: TRANSFORMING GROUPS 6 REINVENTING THE ORGANIZATION: BEING THE SOURCE OF A NEW FUTURE Guiding Principles of Organization Reinvention Masterful Coaching-The Method for Organizational Reinvention 7 BUILDING SHARED UNDERSTANDING: MASTERING THE ART OF CREATIVE COLLABORATION Coaching Groups to Transform How They Think and Work Together The CollabLab Process-A Three-Step Model That Works Every Time Coaching in the CollabLab How to Be a Skilled Facilitator of Collaborative Conversations Every Day A Coach Is First and Foremost a Teacher 8 RECOGNIZING AND DISPERSING POSTURING AND DEFENSIVENESS: TOOLS FOR EMPOWERING INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS Defensive Thinking and Behavior for Avoiding Threat and Embarrassment The Power of Discussing the Undiscussable The Source of Defensive Routines Euro Bank: A Scenario of Defensive Routines Strategies for Eliminating Defensive Routines Bob Putnam on Facilitating Defensive Routines Roger Schwarz on Eliminating Defensive Routines Tools Can Create New Possibilities 9 GO FOR RESULTS NOW! BREAKTHROUGH GOALS AND TECHNIQUES Stretch Goals,Yearning, and Learning Guidelines for Coaching People and Groups to Produce a Breakthrough Triggering Breakthrough Thinking at Engelhard Corporation Going for Breakthrough The Breakthrough Technique Launching the Breakthrough Technique Action Learning The Breakthrough Technique at Dun & Bradstreet PART Ⅲ: THE SECRETS OF MASTERFUL COACHES 10 TO CAUSE PEOPLE'S SUCCESS: COACH THEM TO UNDERSTAND THE UNWRITTEN RULES OF THE GAME The Power of Rules in Our Lives A Coaching Method for Uncovering and Realigning the Unwritten Rules In Conclusion 11 TO PROVIDE MEANINGFUL FEEDBACK: RIP THE BLINDERS OFF SO PEOPLE SEE THEMSELVES AS OTHERS SEE THEM An Alchemical Chamber of Personal and Organizational Transformation A Method for Unfreezing,Transforming, and Refreezing People's Leadership Style A Coach Is a Grounded Observer: Guiding Ideas for Giving Feedback Using Action Maps to Provide Meaningful Feedback in Groups In Conclusion 12 TO TEACH NEW SKILLS AND CAPABILITIES: COACH OTHERS TO STUDY AND PRACTICE Five Essential Skills That Often Show Up as Missing A Methodology for Building New Skills and Capabilities Move Between Performance and the Practice Field Practice Field Assignments 13 TO GET PEOPLE TO BRING THEIR WHOLE SELVES TO WORK: GIVE THEM AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE A Nontraditional Perspective A FINAL REFLECTION NOTES ABOUT THE AUTHOR INDEX





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