院校的6种魅力文化Engaging the Six Cultures of the Academy
William H. Bergquist
In The Four Cultures of the Academy, William H. Bergquist identified four different, yet interrelated, cultures found in North American higher education: collegial, managerial, developmental, and advocacy. In this new and expanded edition of that classic work, Bergquist and coauthor Kenneth Pawlak propose that there are additional external influences in our global culture that are pressing upon the academic institution, forcing it to alter the way it goes about its business. Two new cultures are now emerging in the academic institution as a result of these global, external forces: the virtual culture, prompted by the technological and social forces that have emerged over the past twenty years, and the tangible culture, which values its roots, community, and physical location and has only recently been evident as a separate culture partly in response to emergence of the virtual culture. These two cultures interact with the previous four, creating new dynamics.
Preface. About the Authors. Introduction. 1. The Collegial Culture. 2. The Managerial Culture. 3. The Developmental Culture. 4. The Advocacy Culture. 5. The Virtual Culture. 6. The Tangible Culture. 7. Bridging the Gap. Appendix I: Academic Cultures Inventory. Appendix II: Marking Key for the Academic Cultures Inventory. References. Name Index. Subject Index.
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