Wynwood Press
Charles Berlitz
For centuries, natives believed that undersea monsters dwelt there, lying in wait to swallow unwary invaders. What else could account for the utter disappearance of entire fishing boats and their crews? And in such astonish-ing numbers? And without a trace? Some years before Charles Berlitz wrote his internationally successful BERMUDA TRIANGLE, he'd begun researching a section of the Pacific known only as the Dragon's Sea. Berlitz, the explainer of the inexplica-ble, discovered that the disappearances went well beyond fishing boats. In fact, his research revealed that lost craft of all sizes had vanished within the Drag-on's Triangle. Tankers- one over 200,000 tons; military ships; armed nuclear submarines; research and scientific expeditions; fish processing factories- hundreds of ships sailed into the Triangle and vanished... Without any trace of shipwreck flotsam; In calm seas; Without any distress message; With few survivors. The numbers are overwhelming.And the disappearances were signifi-cant enough for Japan to declare the area a danger zone. Airplanes, too, were affected by the mysterious pull of the Dragon's Tri-angle. Planes disappeared, including three U.S. military aircraft in a period of ten days, and many pilots who flew through the air space of the Triangle reported malfunctioning instruments, strange mists, and an .acceleration oftime. Like Japan, the U.S. Air Force flagged the Dragon's Triangle as anarea of continuing concern. Bordered on two sides by the great gulfs in the ocean floor and trenches plunging respectively five and eight miles deep, the Triangle waters form three-sided waves, as though the very ocean is signaling a confluence of strong and ineluctable powers. What underlies the mystery of the Dragon's Triangle? What forces are re- sponsible for the staggering number of ships, planes, and crews unaccount- ably lost within its boundaries? Charles Berlitz, the master of the un-explained, casts his penetrating eye on this phenomenon and offers new in-sight into the strange and dramatic rid-dle of THE DRAGON'S TRIANGLE,one of the truly great natural mysteries of our world.作者简介: Charles Berlitz was born in New York City. He is a graduate of Yale Uni-versity and a grandson of Maximillian Berlitz, founder of the Berlitz Language Schools. He speaks twenty-five lan-guages with varying degrees of fluency and is considered one of the fifteen most eminent linguists in the world.His interest in archaeology and under-water exploration led to his writing The Bermuda Triangle and Atlantis. Mr. Berlitz was awarded the Dag Ham-marskjold International Prize for Non-fiction. He lives in Florida.
1. Another Triangle of Doom2. A Role Call of Disappearances3. Great Ships That Sailed into Oblivion4. Planes That Never Landed5. Submarines That Never Surfaced6. The Perseverance of Legend7. Ghost Ships of the Dragon Triangle8. Mikakunin Hiko-Buttai9. The Shaking Land, the Restless Sea10. The Uncertain Islands11. Sunken Lands and Vanished Civilizations12. Atomic Warfare--Ancient and Modern13. Doorway to the Future... or the Past?BIBLIOGRAPHY