Dermatologic symdromes are seldom mentioned in the traditional radiologic textbooks . On the other hand, in the traditional textbooks on dermatology potential radiological findings are often ignored. About 20% of the patients in general practice have skin problems; in about two hundred disorders and malignant dieseases the first lesion often appears on the skin and radiological abnormalities appear at the same time. The systematic treatment of skin diseases with concurrent radiological findings in this book provides additional important information for the diagnosis of the condition. Summarizing the clinical features of the disorders and syndromes, the book also serves as a short reference book.
1 Hereditary Diseases2 Vesicular and Bullous Disorders3 Inflammatory and Squamous Diseases4 Vascular Diseases and Systemic Vasculitis5 Systemic Diseases6 Diseases Due to Physical Agents and foreign Substances7 Inflammatory Diseases of the Subcutaneous Fat8 Bacterial Diseases9 Treponemal Diseases10 Fungal Diseases11 Protozoal Diseases12 Viral Diseases13 Lipidoses and Histiocytoces14 Metabolic Diseases15 Pigment Disorders16 Connective Tissue Diseases17 Tumors and Cysts of the Epidermis and Epidermal Appendices18 Tumors of Fibrous and Vascular Tissue19 Tumors of Fatty, Muscular, Neural, and Osseous Tissues20 Epidermal Hypermelanosis21 Lymphomas and LeukemiasReferencesIndex