多普勒超声在妇产科 Doppler Ultrasound in Gynecology and Obstetrics
Thieme Publishing Group (2003年11月1日)
Christof, M.D. Sohn, Hans-Joachim Voigt,Klaus Vetter 著
"...chapters are short and well referenced...useful for anyone working with ultrasound in obstetrics and gynaecology." -- RAD Magazine, 2005"...clarity of the text and the schemas allows beginner to rapidly understand the technique and how to apply it." -- Journal of Clinical Imaging
1 Physical Technical Fundamentals of UItrasound and Doppler UItrasound2 Indices for the Evaluation of Doppler Sonograms3 Vascular Supply of the Uteroplacentofetal Unit and Technipues for the Examination of Individual Vessels4 Blood Flow Analysis During Pregnancy5 Documentation6 Common Errors in the Doppler UItrasound Display of Uterine Blood Flow and Fetal Vessels7 The Role of Doppler UItrasound in the Diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy8 Indications for Obstetric UItrasound9 Doppler Sonography in Obstetrics—Screening At-Risk Populations10 Doppler UItrasound Diagnosis in Preeclampsia, EcIampsia, and HELLP Syndrome11 Doppler UItrasound in the Diagosis of Fetal Anomalies12 Multiple Pregnancy and Doppler UItrasound13 Possible Applications of Doppler UItrasound in Fetal Anemia14 Umbilical Cord Complications and Doppler UItrasound 15 Doppler UItrasound and the Cardiotocogram16 Doppler UItrasound Findings Near Term17 Diagnostic and Clinical Significance of Doppler UItraund in Obstetrics18 Doppler Sonography of the Fetal Venous Circulation19 Seven Cases ustrating the Use of Doppler UItrasound in Obstetrics20 Doppler UItrasound in Gynecology21 diagnosis of the Uterine Tube by transvagial Sonnography22 Diagnostic Sonography of Blood Flow in Breast TumorsIndex
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